Want to have fun? Then here is one to put on the calendar –
Sunday, December 7th 2014 –
Fort Lauderdale- the History, a two act play, will be performed on the grounds of the historic 1915 Annie Beck House, (which is in the Middle River Terrace Park on Dixie Highway – 1329 N. Dixie) ..
The play is being produced by the 13th Street Alliance, who manages the house for the Broward Trust for Historic Preservation, who saved it from the wrecking ball some years back, and moved it to the park….
And get this – the Fort Lauderdale City Commissioners, Police Chief, City Manager, the Director of Riverwalk, Prez of the Council of Neighborhoods etc, are the actors !!! ( sounds even funner now eh?)
The play tells the story of Fort Lauderdale from 1793-1960 –
And yes, Connie Francis will be there to sing Where the Boys Are – well kinda!
The event starts at 2:30 with a cocktail party (open bar – lots of eats) for $20, ( it’s a fundraiser for the perpetual care of the historic house) or you can just come to the play for free – it starts at 4 pm!
If you have questions, or want me to save you a good seat, e-mail me at tim@timsmith.com
See you then!