Mayoral Hopeful Charlotte’s Kick-off

The invitation arrived in the mail.




…. Pretty snazzy  …… A kick-off event ( billed as a friendraiser, not a fundraiser) at the wonderful, historic Bonnett House on the beach ……  I couldn’t stay away !




…. The Bonnett House is as cool as ever, and as I walked up the entrance, Charlotte’s sign guided me in to her soiree ! …

….. The event was a pleasant one, though not all that well attended. I’m guessing there were 30 or 40 people there, I expected more ….But I will say that those 30 or 40 seemed like pretty strong Charlotte supporters – people like –



…former Victoria Park President Thornie Jarrett (seen here chatting with Charlotte’s son and Charlotte’s new granddaughter!)… – and



Miranda Lopez (on the right), a big slow growth/open space advocate) …. and




Rob Larsen, Flagler Village President  ….


… …………………..  Main gadfly Charlie King was there, trashing Mayor Seiler, Commissioner Roberts etc.,  as was District I malcontent Mary Graham …. picture below with Charlotte’s husband John Rodstrom – 




Charlotte was introduced to speak by John   …..




….and she took to the microphone to give a short talk about why she was running for Mayor, how she intended to walk door to door and meet all the voters, and how she was disappointed with the City budget and overdevelopment  …..


………….  charfar1


……all in all a nice event…