Crime Drops Like Rock !

For those of you who have followed this blog for awhile, you know I have been watching- bitching- moaning- pleading, about the high rate of crime in the neighborhoods off 13th Street for quite some time.You can also find DUI attorneys to help you legally .You can check drug charge attorneys for hire if you need the best criminal attorney help!




You’ll remember that those neighborhoods have had the highest rate of crime, the most burglaries, and has been riddled with thugs and thieves for far too long. If you are a victim of any crime, it is best to contact an experienced drug crime attorney serving Missouri to give you legal counseling and represent your interests.

But finally, crime in those areas is falling like a rock !




With the lone exception of LakeRidge, all the 13th Street area neighborhoods have seen crime plummet, some areas dropping to numbers not seen in nearly a decade. Citywide, crime is down just 3%, and there are some troubling stats elsewhere in the City (more on that in a minute), but success for these neighborhoods is big news! For criminal attorneys, Brookhaven criminal lawyer for hire can be checked out!

The reductions can be attributed to numerous factors, including increased patrols, ILP (Intelligent Lead Policing) SmartWater, etc., but the bottom line is that the Calvary has finally arrived!




A few neighborhoods have seen crime go up over this same time last year, some substantially. Those include Coral Ridge, Flagler Village, Harbordale, and Victoria Park, and you should surely be bitching, moaning – well, you get the picture!

The FLPD is to be commended for this progress, and as always, the success or failure should be laid on those in charge – so the 13th Street Alliance will be formally thanking Chief Adderley at their in September!






Get Your Motor Running !

I’m in training.

You see, the 13th Street Alliance, along with the wonderful charity Homes Inc. ( they provide apartments and mentoring to timed-out (18 yrs. old) foster children) is going to hold a fun run/walk next Feb. 21.




The run will be really cool.  It will start in Middle River Terrace Park (provided the EPA hasn’t shut it down), run up along 13th, and back to the park where a giant fun festival will await!

And you can run the race in any funky style you want ( see below for ideas ).


So today I started my training, so I will look real good next Feb.  I ran a 5K in Georgia this morning.  I intend on forming a team, Team Tim, so we can raise money for the charity. I’m thinking that we will be a Team In Training, but that acronym is TIT, and that just doesn’t sound right!


Anyhow, I don’t know anyone up here in Ga. that runs,  so I tried to recruit a few locals at the “Just People” race this morning.


First I tried to sneak into another team –




…..but they said sorry, I wasn’t dressed right!

Then I thought for sure I could get this loner into a team –



…..argh, he said, and I backed off….


I did finally talk this “princess” into my “temporary” team, but as princesses will do, she had to show me up and lap me a few times before the finish line –




Get Your Motor Running !




City Park Dangerous?

The FDEP  ( Florida Department of Environmental Protection) is recommending that the Middle River Terrace Park, on Dixie Highway north of 13th Street, be placed on the EPA’s Superfund Enterprise Management System.




The City park sits next to a site that has been found to have an unacceptable level of arsenic, discovered when the City was considering the site as an addition to their 4-acre park next door.


The MRT park was developed in 2000 and 2001, when numerous dangerous crackhouses and apartment buildings were bulldozed to make way for the park. The neighborhood had pushed for the park, and it has become an important part of the area.

According to City Manager Lee Feldman, there” absolutely were environmental tests done”,  back when the City purchased the land in 2000. The City’s policies call for environmental tests that search for things such as arsenic before buying land. But Feldman added that no one is sure if something could have happened next door after the city developed the park.

Feldman added that it is conceivable that the park could close, if the EPA testing shows dangerous conditions in the park.




Arsenic is generally considered to be a danger to groundwater, not to land. Tests at the site next door show the arsenic at least two feet underground, and arsenic falls when introduced into the land.

The real concern is arsenic reaching the water table, and making it’s way to the Biscayne Aquifer, where much of the City’s drinking water originates. That site is being monitored with test wells, and a final determination of site mitigation has not been made.


A former neighborhood President of Middle River Terrace, Laura Croscenco, is suspected of being the catalyst for the investigation into the park. The report sites a local resident as the reportee, and Croscenco had been complaining to city officials for the past year, after her disappointment that the City backed away from purchasing the land next door for the park addition.





An assessment of the  situation is now planned by the FDEP, where more investigation into the matter will be taken. If the assessment proves problematic, soil tests could follow.





Prepare to Vote for ……

Yes, there really is a statewide election next month!



And because the election is at the end of summer, when no one will be paying any attention, your vote will really count! …  It is a primary election, where you will choose the candidates from your party to go against the candidates of the other party in November.

Now I suspect you’ll be thinking ” he’s got some nerve”,  but I’m about to suggest who you should vote for anyhow!



First, I have to ask. Is this guy really our current Governor?


rick scott


Now I have a lot of republican friends, but really ??

I am going to hold my nose and vote for Charlie Crist, ( because Nan Rich can’t win), but here are some of the  other gubernatorial candidates, in case you are interested …


gov Timothy-DevineDr. Joe Brown – Chiropractor ( no picture available)


gov Elizabeth-Cuevas-Neunder Elizabeth Neunder – activist


gov Timothy-DevineTimothy Devine – (no picture available)


Other Races

Congressman Alcee Hastings’ opponent is a former heavy-weight boxing champion, but I can’t remember his name, so I say vote for Hastings (one more time).

Debbie Wasserman Schultz deserves another term, probably Ted Deutch, and Lois Frankel too.


In the Attorney General race, don’t vote for Pam Bondi. That will give her time to start a new anti- homosexual group. And I can’t vote for Perry Thurston either. Thurston introduced a bill that made it harder for State Attorneys to convict juvenile burglars, even the multiple offenders. So I say go with the old dude – George Sheldon.

Here are my local pics

govchip   Chip LaMarca – has been a really good County Commissioner and deserves another term.


gov lisa  Lisa Aronson – a Coconut Creek Commission running for County Commissioner… One of her opponents is Charlotte Elizabeth Rodstrom.


govb  Bobby Dubose – Dist 94 … Dubose is our home town choice


Now if you didn’t like any of my pics – do some research,  there are 3 Pastors, 3 retired teachers, 2 retired cops, a Pharmacist, Nurse, Musician, an anti-muslim activist, a UPS Driver, Commercial Diver, ex- pro football player, and lots of vets.


God help us all !








Rodstrom Running Stronger?

The conventional wisdom was that Charlotte Rodstroms’ second attempt to become a Broward  County Commissioner was all but dead, until last week.

Follow me now



……. the wily Rodstroms !


Rodstroms’ long time friend and ally – attorney Bill Scherer –  successfully sued in Circuit Court this week to have the August Democratic primary opened to Republicans, because the only  candidate in the Republican primary did not live in the District,  (the District is mostly Coconut Creek, Margate, some of Coral Springs and Pompano Beach).

The Judge disqualified him, and said without a Republican running,  the republicans would be able to cross over and vote in the democratic primary.

Now there wouldn’t be anything wrong with all that – except – candidate Charlotte Rodstrom herself doesn’t live in the District !  The Rodstroms have lived on posh Nurmi Isles, off Las Olas for a long time, and no moving trucks have been spotted at their home! The irony!

Some pundits think that a sizable portion of the republicans might vote for Rodstrom ( her husband John was once a republican, head of the Young Republican Club), and that could swing the balance to Rodstrom.




John Rodstrom was in court to hear the news (pictured above). The Supervisor of Elections hasn’t commented on whether she can pull off the change in time for the August primary, but is expected to make an announcement early next week.


Charlotte Rodstrom ( now going by the name Charlotte Elizabeth Rodstrom), might be back in the race!



How the City Spends our Money


While you are busy planning your summer vacation, the bean counters at City Hall are busy counting the beans, and deciding how they get spent next year.



And there is a lot of beans to spend!  Five hundred and seventy two million!

As a comparison, my last year as a Commissioner, 2003, saw a budget of three hundred thirty five million.


The recommended budget is put together by the City Manager and his staff, and is ultimately approved in September by the City Commission, after a public hearing in which there will be nearly no citizens being heard ( because they will not attend).




     Anyhow, here are some highlights from this year’s nearly 100 page City Budget!


The budget of 572 million is 8.5 million more than last year. They can do that because our real estate is finally worth more (6 million) than last year. I’m not sure where they get the other 2.5 million, but they probably found it behind some bean counters desk!


The Police Department will get 93 milliion ( more on that in a minute), the Fire Department 67 million, the Parks Department 38 million.

The Water Department drinks up 129 million, then add Trash at 23 million, the Executive Airport with 8 million, debt service at 34 million, sprinkle with all sorts of projects to fix bridges, the riverwalk, the beach, 85 million – stir and spend!

Some of the more  interesting nuggets –

Climate Change Initiative – $174,000

More Lifeguards – $350,000

A Federal Lobbyist – $40,000

A Fundraiser – $93,000

New Lobby Furniture for the Building Department – $100,000 … huh??


And back to the Police Department –



They are getting a million less than last year, but are getting some new goodies –

Traffic message speed signs – $56,000

Engines for Police Boats – $42,800

T-3 Motion Patrolman  – (pictured below) $47,936



Maybe the Chief can do his house calls on those !







Ft. Laud. activist running for W. Manors Mayor

His name is Doug Blevins, and he is running for Mayor of Wilton Manors against the incumbent, Gary Resnick.


       blevinsbest    resnickbest

                                Blevins                                                                                 Resnick

Blevins, a realtor,  was the President of  the South Middle River Civic Association in Fort Lauderdale, and is often credited for starting the renaissance of that neighborhood. He took over the association with a paltry 14 members, and built it to a respectable 160 member organization.

Blevins took on the crime that has plagued SMR, fought with the City to do something about derelict properties,  and got the neighborhood working as a team.

Blevins moved to Wilton Manors and has been very active there also, serving on Boards, and running the Wilton Manors Main Street organization, that is pushing to take Wilton Drive from 4 lanes to 2 lanes. It looks like the reduction may happen, as the State has already made plans to “beef up” Dixie Highway, which is expected to take much of the traffic that now uses Wilton Drive.




Resnick has been successful as Mayor of Wilton Manors, but may have overstayed his welcome. He first got elected to the W.M. City Commission in 1998, then was first elected as Mayor in 2008. There are no term limits in W.M..

Resnick, a lawyer, took criticism when he pushed to scale back the County Ethics law, that kept him from being a lobbyist for other cities while serving as Mayor.

I’m supporting Blevins. He is a true grass roots guy, and his passion and newness would be good for Wilton Manors.



Here is Blevin’s campaign crew, which I think might also double as the Gay Men’s choir 🙂   …. Tim



Sat. July 5 Free Free Free Stuff

Come one Come all !

This Saturday, July 5th, from 4pm until 7 pm

Join Police Chief Frank Adderley and the SmartWater company …..


frank and sw

…… at the dock in Middle River Terrace (NE 18th Street and NE 8th Ave.) ….

.               …… Where you can get your SmartWater (free if you live in MRT, $30 if you don’t)

……..  There will be a free bar-b-cue, free crime fighting tips, free entertainment from a livc band,


                                                                   Saturday July 5th

                                              NE 8th Avenue and NE 18th Street

                                                                 4pm until 7 pm

free food/entertainment…. SmartWater!

(rain or shine) …. call 954-822-4727 for more info