I’m feeling quite humbled by the response from my fellow citizens to my last post when I told you I was in the race for City Commissioner for Fort Lauderdale, Dist. II ……. I wasn’t sure if you would support my effort to re-enter politics, but it seems you have (at least most of you 🙂 ……And if I’m lucky enough to be elected, this will be my daily mantra …
…( I’ll list some of the folks that have given me the green light this week to publicly list them as supporters,( at the bottom of this post)
But first,….. let me tell you some of the things I am thinking need attention immediately …..
We can’t have sewage floating in the street – ever .….
yuck ! ….. unacceptable ! …. though the City has appropriated 15 million and is working the worst lines, there needs to be much much more done – now ! – I mean yesterday !
The problem is the half of the City that didn’t get the new lines during the Water Works program ( I was on the Commission that fixed the first half). Many of these 50 year old lines have leaks in them … When we have heavy rains, (like this week), the rain water goes into the waste lines through their holes, (infiltration) and the poo mixture can’t go into the treatment plant fast enough, so it bubbles up through the manholes and into the streets …..OMG
This has to be item number one! ….. ( I have more thoughts on funding sources, timetables etc, but that is for the next posts). We need to get at this right … right away, so we can continue to redevelop the areas of the city that still need redevelopment badly.
Secondly, we need to find ways to reassure ourselves that we will not be swallowed by our own successes …… We are in an overcharged economy, and many citizens want things slowed down, and they worry, reasonably, that development is out of control, traffic a disaster, – and no one is tending to it ….
Truth is, our population in Fort Lauderdale has only grown by 5 % over the last decade or so……. But Broward County, has exploded, and every day, 350,000, ……… yes 350,000 people, western Broward residents, come into our City, and clog things up …. I think there are things we can do, both short term and long term – (permanent solutions to this problem do exist), and I want the City to jump on this issue like a flea to a dog !!!
Can’t wait to post again ! ..….. please keep an eye on this site and give me your feedback ….
here are just some of my supporters, so far 🙂 ……. pls. join !
Nina Randall ( former Middle River Terrace Pres)
Tim Schiavone ( Parrot Lounge)
Rob Edlin ( Flagler Village)
Howard Steinhols ( Seven Isles)
Vicki Mowrey ( Central Beach)
Abby Laughlin ( Central beach)
Steve Jacobson (former VP Lakeridge)
Marge Anderson (former Pres Middle River Terrace)
John Aurelius ( former Ft laud CC )
Ron Weinbaum ( Poinsettia Hgts Pres)
Logan Ritter ( MRT)
Jen Brugman (MRT)
Ross Parker ( Call of Africa)
Pastor Petit Frere
Ben Session ( former pres SMRCA)
Sal Gatanio ( former pres SMRCA)
Katherine Barry (past Pres CCA)
Charlie Ladd
Lorraine Saunders ( past Pres MRT)
Maureen ( Eat the Tea)
Donna Collins ( sec. SMRCA)
Cindy Smith – wife
Timmy Smith- son
Frank Palenco ( House of Art)
Rev. Luke Harrigan
Pastor Diane Mann
Dave Justin ( former treasure MRT)
Randall Klett ( former Prres MRT)
Mark Hensel ( former Pres MRT)
Sean (Le Boy)
George Mihau
Chuck Gregory – Board of CCA
Michael Haerting ( Cycle Party)
Chris ( cycle party)
Johua Tiktin ( Mass District)
Mark Hartman ( former Pres MRT)
Don Crinklaw
Elaine Viets ( famous local author)
Louise Birminham – MRT
Steve Greer – MRT
Gail Jacobson – Lakeridge
Hubert and Terry (SMRCA)
Rob and Carmen Smith (SMRCA)
Rayon Piper ( VP of CCA)
Jessica Piper – MRT
Dan Lewis – former mayoral candidate !
Tore Heubel – MRT
James Brady
Robin Merill
Doug Snyder
Caldwell Cooper
Rocky Bowell
Justin Greenbaum – CRA
Derrick Caglianone
Pam Caglianone
Amy Jones Hamilton – former Pres. Laudergate Isles
Vicki Eckels
Barry Curtis – MRT
Diane and Bill Smart
Bob Oelke
Neysa Rich Brady
Jack Moroney – 13th Street
Harris Soloman
Howard Elfman – former Dist II candidate !
Rob Stiegle
Linda and Karl Shallenberger
Mel Lenet
David and Susanna Coleman – MRT
Cliff and Michelle Stickler – MRT
Ray Thrower – SMRCA
Tom Rose
Jim Ober
Richard Eberhard – MRT
Steve and Beverly Stahl – MRT
Nick Saknofsky – former candidate
Brad Laird _ SMRCA
Frank Link – Central Beach
Ray Parker – Parker Playhouse
Michael Madfis
Michael Ferber – former candidate Dist II
Anthony Abbate
Dil Hatchette – MRT
Dan Murphy – MRT
John Day
……… would you add your name ? …… comment on this blog or reach me at tim@timsmith.com