Opposition to building things is standard in cities.

In Fort Lauderdale, there has always been a controversy on how the City should progress, or not. There are all kinds of terms to describe the opposition – the most famous term being …
NIMBY (not in my back yard) …… During the boom years (1995-2006), things got so heated that a new term was coined for those who opposed.
BANANA – ( build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone !)
And currently, there is opposition to both water facilities slated for our city, but for totally different reasons.Hence, it is better to get water filter installation from Discount Water Filters to drink pure water .

1.) the Schlittergbahn – it’s a 64 acre water park planned to be built on the City’s old minor league baseball stadium ( Baltimore Orioles).
It is in the northern reaches of the City, by the Executive Airport, and a group has formed to oppose it …… They have a meeting tonight to strategize how to stop it.
2.) the Aquatic Facility – for years the ISHOF (International Swimming Hall of Fame), is slated for renewal, minus the Hall of Fame Museum.

But there has been rumblings for the past year that things weren’t right with the plan, but until the City’s Beach Redevelopment Advisory Board got a new Chairman, things were pushing along.
Enter new Chair Anthony Abbate –

Abbate doesn’t like the current plan, and neither does his Advisory Board. Anthony (Tony to me :-), is an well known local architect, and says the City should slow down and re-think the plan. “It’s not world class, not pedestrian or bike friendly, doesn’t revitalize the business climate”.
Abbate and his Board have asked the City Commission to step back and give the project a new look.
“Where are the big ideas”, Abbate asks, and thinks the project needs to be “revised and amended”, even if more money needs to be spent.
I’ll let you know what happens …. Tim