Yesterday, the Fort Lauderdale Planning and Zoning Board again defaulted on their duties to meet and send recommendations to the Fort Lauderdale City Commission. This time, it was with encouragement from a City Commission member herself, Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom.
It’s a giant, ugly battle being waged over the First Presbyterian Church’s plan to seriously enlarge their footprint on Las Olas Boulevard …. The new plan calls for a five story parking garage, with retail frontage, and a two story family center. Local opposition to the planned project is fierce.
The P&Z meetings on the item have been deferred over and over since earlier in the year. First, four of the members announced conflicts with the Church project and recused themselves!
So, first there were nine, now there were only five! It takes all the remaining five to convene, to constitute a quorum, and with any defections of the five, the item stays in limbo.
Enter member number five – Mike Moskowitz …
When it finally looked like the months of stalling the item were over, and the final five were scheduled to meet and decide on the issue during a “special meeting” called for this past Thursday, Moskowitz announced he was unavailable after all, and the fragile quorum was lost once again.
I called Moskowitz this morning and asked “what’s up with that !”.
…… Moskowitz told me he had a discussion with his appointer, Commissioner Rodstrom, and she was not at all happy with the reduced size of the Planning and Zoning Board making the decision on the Church property application.
……. So Moskowitz didn’t attend. Quorum lost again.
…… Even though the P&Z Board couldn’t hold the meeting, they did send a communication to the City Commission asking them to appoint enough members to the Board so they could fulfill their duties.
……… I’ll keep you informed….. Tim