Historic Church Plucked !


…….The First Lutheran Church on Ne 3rd Avenue is very historic for Fort Lauderdale.

No one disputes this, though the City Commission deferred giving the 100 plus year old church historic designation at a hearing last month . They are awaiting their May 2 meeting to see what the buyer ( developer) wants to do on the site until they act. …….

…..In the meantime, some activists for historic designation for the church say untoward things are happening at the church. They point to a ruling by the CC last month where the owners of the property were told NOT to touch the church until May 2, but the activists say things are happening at the church, not good things……



They held this vigil last night, and pointed out damage occurring there….


churchnocorner   …….  this is an empty spot on the wall where …..


churchcorner   …..  this brass corner stone plaque was last month  …..  They say the air conditioners have been ripped out of the wall, the stain glass windows are all gone, and copper piping is disappearing….


….. Come on May 2 !

Humor me ….. more information on the past !



…thanks to Cal Deal, who kept this copy of the actual 3 by 5 foot message board that I took to Publix headquarters in Lakeland so many years ago ( that effort didn’t pan out, but at least got Winn Dixie to open a new grocery store there)  …..At the time,  Publix actually said that part of Fort Lauderdale was to scary for a grocery store (short sighted ?)   ……. ……

….  And many of you spotted others in the photo  … Do you see Pat Mayers (deceased), Dean Trantalis, Mark Ketchum, Butch Neideritter, Mike Ferber, Floyd Johnson ( former City Manager), Gus Osterle ( deceased). Roger McKee ( deceased). Bob Pignataro, Bob Notti ( deceased), Steve Jacobson, Mark Warner, Hans, Alva White (deceased), Jim Kevern and Bob Oelke?


………… I’ll be back soon with my opinion of current City Manager Lee Feldman   …….


……………  Tim

Do You Remember ?

…………………… The Year is 1998 …… Fort Lauderdale …….. Victoria Park, Federal Highway ……




……………. That’s about 100 Fort Lauderdalians, staging a protest in the 600 block of N.Federal Hwy. We were pissed that there was no grocery store anywhere near Victoria Park/downtown …..


…………… We are holding up Publix grocery bags. We took a big 3 by 5 poster of the picture to Publix headquarters in Lakeland …. The effort kind of worked – today there is a Winn-Dixie plaza !

……… See if you can find me, Cal Deal, son Timmy, Bob Oelke, Ted Fling and others in the photo !




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