Dean Trantalis Mural Story Ending

OK  …..  Just to finish the story  ……


So, Commissioner Trantalis killed the painting of a cute little duck mural on a storage shed in a City Park, next to a newly built Playground  ……  This was what the mural was going to look like –



Trantalis was pandering to two naysayers, who thought that the ducks weren’t “elegant” enough ….  Trantalis said he would evoke a “process”, find an acceptable “elegant” mural,  and then a mural would be painted …  tout suite! …..

Well, I guess Trantalis had his “process”, cause here is a picture of  how the storage shed looks now, a month later  …



thanks a lot Trantalis  …….


Ducked ! ……… Dean’s Dead Ducks Update !

After the last post on Trantalis killing off the poor little Mother Duck and her Ducklings mural,




I received a lot of feedback, all aghast that Trantalis would pull such a bonehead move, all to satisfy a known malcontent  …..

……. But the best comment I received came with a picture attached……  A well know activist wrote to me that she was “angry” that Dean pulled the plug on such a good endeavor, and said she just saw a site that reminded her how  she was feeling  …..


ducked1  ………. DUCKED !!!!  (yes, that is what you think you’re seeing)