Join Team Fort Lauderdale?

Our town has taken a shellacking on the National News the last few weeks.




According to the staff at City Hall,  the tons of  calls and e-mails coming in from outside the city and state are nearly all against the new ordinances.

But the calls also show that we citizens of Fort Lauderdale are generally supportive  …. Even though we don’t all agree on the homeless issue completely, I think we all agree that those from elsewhere that think we are all  heartless boobs have got it all wrong !

So that got me thinking this morning while on my daily training run  ….. What could we do to ban together ….I know, form Team Fort Lauderdale …. get the whole story out !

Now, I’m not sure how exactly we should do that, ( that’s the benefit of being a former Commissioner), but each of us, as a team member,  should do our part,  in our own special way,  to set the record straight,

Here’s my little part for today —  the 13th Street Alliance is holding the first ever road race along 13th Street in February …


funkyflyer1          So, I’ve just started a Team Fort Lauderdale for the Funky Fun Run ,   ….


…… start training for it like I am  …… write  Team Fort Lauderdale on your training shirt as I will……  you will be making a statement that you are proud of being a Fort Lauderdalian, and getting in shape at the same time!

Here I am just minutes after this morning’s training run


Here I am just a few minutes after that –



Go Team Fort Lauderdale !!



6 Replies to “Join Team Fort Lauderdale?”

  1. Paradise is always at risk.. Let the people in middle America and of cold bitter weather regions and who would give anything to live here
    adopt our homeless population and feed them in their favorite parks with lack of sanitary facilities and see how they could do any better…it’s always easy to throw stones… I don’t really care what others think… A lot of nonsense.

  2. Sounds like fun as long as we can all stop in at Johnny’s and have a drink and look at hot dudes afterwards!!!!

  3. I am traveling in Europe (now in Berlin November 15/20) and the publicity is all negative, but for the last five years of the over ten years I have lived in Ft. Lauderdale the Greater Ft Lauderdale Converntion and Visitors Bureau controlled by the County Commissioner, but funded mainly with Ft Lauderdale resort taxes, has done a lousy job advertising for the city also, and that underlines our problems. As hotels get torn down for stip malls and condos to be sold to foreign buyers or investors renting them out daily on the internet, jobs for working class and retirees are drying up as more retail and restaurants close. The City Commission has ignored problems for years since the arrival of the “new team” with Seiler, Roberts, Rogers, Dubose, and then Tranalis two years or so later. They play sordid politics so that when a scandal, even one that distorts the truth and slanders us, the decent citizens of Ft. Lauderdale, we have no allies. I’;ve said once, I;’;ll say it again, as an Observant Jew who has supported the City Mayor and Commission, I can’t give them a tip of the hat with their perpetual meetings on Jewish holidays and disrespect for Jewish High Holy Days. The Mayor and Commission laughed at my questions about the Wave, and now, it looks like it is 100% over budget! And Tim Ryan and his 1 cent tax increase for transportion when everyone in our neighborhood has cars (except me, I don’t drive) and Seiler & the Commissioners pushing this, another tax increase! I am sorry I am terribly disappointed as a native South Floridan in our City’s leaders, and although the city is getting a raw deal, well, they earned it!

  4. Please

    The ordinance is in regards to the safe and lawful distribution of food, which the state health department should have addressed a long time ago!

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