Anatomy of a Juvenile Burglary Epidemic

        This is a compelling post.

        You should go get a cup of coffee, or a beer, and come back and settle in!


         Last year, burglaries were rampant in the City of Fort Lauderdale. Though the whole city had a serious problem, the areas off 13th Street/Andrews Ave./ Sunrise Boulevard were completely out of control!

        Five adjacent neighborhoods there had an amazing 859 residential and car burglaries in 2013. The neighborhoods continually complained to City Hall and the FLPD, but the Police were adamant that much of the problem was due to juvenile burglars that were sent through the  proverbial revolving door – straight back into the community, again and again –  to burgle again. – again and again!

       So, I submitted a public records request of all juvenile burglary cases in that area for 2013, and amazingly, I got back a thick stack of Juvenile Burglary records, and the 45 cases tend to back up the Police –

                    …………..  this is that story!


          Case #1


        Defendant :Marc ______ Race/Sex B/M
                  Age : 15
Father  : no info
Mother : Marie  
School  : Grade 10 – Fort Lauderdale High School

            …… The defendant made entry by busting out a rear window. Defendant was arrested for another burglary and wanted to confess to this burglarie and others.  He stated that he was the  lookout on the other burglary, and that “Ryan” used a screwdriver and paid him $50 for helping…..  Marc advised he had done four burglaries in all.

       Detectives drove Marc around for him to point out the four burglaries. At the first house he stated that he broke in but “didn’t take anything because they did not have anything”. He took detectives to another house and stated that he broke in there ” and stole jewelry”.

      Case #2

Defendant: Alan ______ Race/Sex B/M
Age : 15
Father  : no info
Mother : Elaine
School  : Mavericks

        Police were called to North Side Elementary where, in a burglary the night before, a total of 16 Apple I Books were stolen. Total loss estimated at $22,000.

        It appeared culprits pried window open   …checked the school video, but monitors were not working……. Prints were lifted….   had a positive match with defendant ….Defendant implicated himself in the burglary.


         Case #3


        Defendant: Kenerve ______ Race/Sex B/M
Age: 15
Father  : No info
            Mother: Ketely

      While working K-9, I responded to a foot pursuit of a burglary suspect …the felon fled eastbound through a day care playground ….  defendant jumped fence  …I advised I was K-9 and that he was under arrest, and he complied to my command.

           Case #4

                       The culprits crawled through the doggie- door. They then broke window into a locked bedroom door. …. stole laptop  ….. A spot of blood was recovered under the broken window and sent for DNA identification. Juveniles arrested….


              Case # 5


                 Defendant: Chris _____ and Mike _______  Race/Sex B/M
Ages: 16
School: Lauderdale Lakes Middle School

      Upon arrival, Officers met with Fred, who stated he witnessed two black males carrying a 55 inch TV set from a home on NE 1 Ave. Suspects hid TV in an alley. Officers saw suspects approach the hidden TV and say “You man, it’s still here, it’s still h
Defendants arrested.

              Case # 6

         Defendant: “Mook” ______  Race/Sex B/M
                   Age : 16
Father:  no info
Mother: Shante
School : Lauderhill Middle School

       Officer made contact with “Mook” who appeared to be of school age but was not in school. Defendant seemed to be “scouting” home for possible burglaries in an area that has had several burglaries. I observed defendant reaching his hands under his sweatshirt hoodie. I retrieved a screwdriver and a window punch.

     Defendant admitted he was on “burglary probation”, and stated that he was going to “do a lick, but did not”. Defendant said he had a pain in his arm and was taken to Broward General Hospital  for clearance. He began to speak very loud and called the Officers “crackers”.

      When the suspect was uncuffed,  he attempted to punch detective and escape. Officer tackled the suspect and suspect injured his face and broke a tooth. Suspect made violent threats, pointed his finger pretending to shoot us, and stated “I’m going to kill you”, then flicked us off and said “fuck you”.

              Case # 7

      …..  juvenile culprits broke through a rear window that was unlocked … victim was inside the residence and scared the burglars away…. video shows 4 black males entering through the window and out the front door…

             Case #8


               Defendant: Devante ______  Race/Sex  B/M
Age: 17

          Officers responded to a burglary call when victim stated that when he opened the door to get his roommate’s wheelchair he noticed the house had been trashed. Victim noticed a B/M appear from the side yard of the house and head northward. The home had drawers and cabinets rummaged and emptied onto the beds.

          Victim stated that he sells peanuts and keeps cash in the house. Latent prints taken at the scene identified juvenile suspects.

      Case # 9

          Defendant: Xzavier  ______ Race/Sex B/M
                   Age : 12
Father :  Xavier
              Mother: Jamine
              School:  Thurgood Marshall Elementary

          Ginell further stated that she left her front window open while she was in the shower, and she locks it when she leaves the home, so the culprit must have entered while she was in the shower.

            Case #10


         Defendant: Devon_____  Race/Sex B/M
Age: 14
Father :  Unknown
Mother: April
School: Maverick High School

         While working as a Truancy Officer, Ofc. Cranmer and I observed three black males of school age  … Ofc. Cranmer and I attempted to go out with the males but they fled…. Ofc. Cranmer radioed for more officers   …. I was able to order Devon to the ground and I asked “why are you running?”, and he stated “I’m on probation on a robbery”…. I placed Devon in the patrol car and he uttered ” Is this because of the burglary I did?” …. I asked ”  where is the burglary located?”, and he stated “back behind Fort Lauderdale High School, I don’t know where, but I can take you there”…..

                        …. we need changes  ….. more later ! …. Tim










An Invitation

      You, are invited somewhere  interesting Friday night with free wine – Read On !

                  …..    There are some that think that all the historic properties in the City should be bulldozed as quick as possible – before they get in the way of some new development.


      Then there are some that think that if it’s 50 years old, or (older) it must be saved at all costs…

      Then there are the reasonable people that know that all great cities save their most important structures from their past. It’s you who are invited Friday for the free wine!


      The Broward Trust for Historic Preservation will be on site for the ModWeekend, where you can take the trolley and see some amazingly cool hotels and houses built during a great period of architecture. And, the Trust will be providing some great exhibits and some good cheap wine, (and priceless company!)


          This is one of the great pics from the Robin Hill collection of 1950’s architecture in the City that will be on display that night……

            See you at the AQUA Hotel – 3016 Windamar Street –  Suite 2104 ( on the beach) …..
                                         Friday night – 5 until 7

       If you can’t come and want to help save what important, historic structures are left  – become a member of the Trust by sending $35 to the ………..

     Broward Trust for Historic Preservation – PO Box 1060 Fort Lauderdale Florida 33302


The Parade

      The 2014 Saint Patrick’s Day Parade ….

                             Photos courtesy of Art Seitz.

                          ………….. keeping fingers crossed for the big win !

                                          …unless these judges were bribed !

                                                     bodysnatchers ?

                                                     no caption necessary

                                                                    nor here !

                                              …reason for this season !

                                                    ……  makes a statement

                                                           candy anyone?

                                                guy from a slasher movie

                                                       the crowd !

                             …..  maybe we should have bribed this group !

Sneak Peek Float Winner !

     Today is the now famous – Fort Lauderdale’s –  St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and I thought you might want to know in advance who is going to win the best float award!


           Yea, we got shut out last year, but so did American Hustle !

          This year, the 13th Street Alliance float is a sure thing – bet on it!…  After all, will any other floats have an Irish tropical banana and monkey theme? .. hell no! ….Add to that

      ….. the banana king will be on board tossing bananas to the crowd  …

    …….   that great local band Sundays At Five will be playing all the Irish favorites ( and a few Beatles tunes to round it all out)   ……

        …… and Mayor Seiler is promising to jump aboard at some point to belt out his favorite –  “When Irish Eyes are Smilin”


                 This crazy float was built by a great new organization in town – Makers Square, where you can go and use their welding equipment, carpentry stuff, pottery kiln etc., or just learn to do it all …

                 Yes, the 13th Street Alliance is bound to take the prize – bet on it!

Update on Lawsuit

       The Central Beach Alliance, the civic group that represents folks on the Fort Lauderdale Beach, got word early yesterday that the lawsuit against them by the developer of an approved condo would be dropped.

                                             site of approved condo

       The developer of the approved condo, the Grand Birch, ( 115 feet tall, 22 – units starting at over a million dollars), was suing the CBA for $7000 for interfering with their approval to build the condo by joining a lawsuit filed by neighbors of the approved building trying to halt the start of construction.

      In the end, the developer needed more time to build the condo, and agreed to halt their lawsuit in hopes of an extension of time to build from the Fort Lauderdale City Commission.

      The vote to grant the extension was approved by the Commission 4-1, Commissioner Trantalis  voting no.

      The lawsuit went away with the extension!

Will the Beach Lawsuit Go Forward ?

This is an update to a post we did some months back about a lawsuit against a civic group, ( the Central Beach Alliance that represents the residents of the Fort Lauderdale Beach.

The CBA is being sued by a developer that is trying to build a condo on the beach, but is being thwarted by some beach residents that don’t want it to be built.

The odd thing is –  the group that is trying to stop the new condo is not the CBA, but a condo adjacent to the proposed condo that fears losing views, having  heavy traffic, etc.,  – the RRG.

That group, that named itself the  RRG, (residents for responsible growth), is represented by Roth Davies, LLC, and has been reported to say that they can sue and hold up the new proposed condo for 3 to 5 years just by filing a lawsuit.


So, the CBA has been brought into the suit,  and is crying foul, because although they initially joined the suit as a complainant, dropped their involvement just days after joining the suit.

Their President, John Weaver, has asked the City Commission to hold up a request by the developer, to deny an extension to the developers approvals at this Tuesday’s CC meeting,  unless the lawsuit against the CBA is dropped  ….

…… lots of drama, and confusion  – I’ll keep you informed   ….  Tim



Dog Poo Contest

        We single-family homeowners just hate the rare doggie owner that lets their pooch do their business on our swales and moves on without picking it up !!!

         So here is the contest

                 …. send me a picture of the best sign you’ve seen  –  here’s mine !


                                          …. send your entry directly to me at


Michael the Farmer

      Did you know that there is a vegetable farm at NE 3rd Avenue and NE 6th Street (yes Charlie, that is also Sistrunk Boulevard) ?


       It’s called Flagler Village Farm, and it is possible due to the City’s new Urban Farming ordinance, but the credit, and the success of this effort falls squarely on this man –


                         Architect, civic planner, and now farmer – Michael Madfis.

      Madfis got involved in this new latest craze when the bottom dropped out of the development industry during the last crash. And he is quite good at it!

                                             worker Miguel cleans some greens

                                                            super food !

Madfis says the trick is in the soil mix, but don’t expect him to give you the recipe! He says he has little problems with insects so far, though he did catch some green worms on his Bok Choy.

         Go see Michael and buy some veggies……  tell him Tim sent you !