Gay Marriage

      ….. one of the beaches’ top activists, Steve Glassman,  has run off to New York and gotten married –  to another man! 


Steve sent me this e-mail (below) to share with me the notice he sent out about his nuptials – 

I posted this on Facebook yesterday and have just read the 79 comments thus far from friends, family, and HS students that I taught from 1977-1994 in Buffalo. So very touched by these and makes me realize how much work we have to do in our state. 

   ….  As I am in a sharing mood, I want to forward an email I just sent to LGBT
leaders in Broward County, Florida. It is also meant for leaders nationwide
and supporters of marriage equality.
     Please indulge me:
     I am not in the habit of writing these kinds of emails, but I felt it was
important to thank each and every one of you for the work you have done,
still do, and will do in the future for our LGBT community.
     You see, I truly believe that people like you are a major reason why I was able to
marry my partner of 40+ years this past Wednesday, August 28, in Buffalo,
New York.

     Rande and I were visiting family in Buffalo and the Niagara region of
Ontario, Canada and decided in advance that the time was right to do this. After all, Rande was born in Buffalo, we met in Buffalo and shared a beautiful life there together for 21 years before moving to Florida.

     We were both born in New York State, and now we were going back to visit for the
first time in 19 years. The fact that our marriage was scheduled by City
Hall on the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech
was icing on the cake.
     Surrounded by the love of our family that day and listening to the poignant
words of the marriage officer, this was, on many levels, just so right. Our
family even recited a Jewish LGBT marriage blessing as part of the ceremony.

     I did not think that I would feel any different getting married – after all,
after 40 years together, feelings are solidified and there are not that many
surprises. But, I was wrong. I do feel different and the solemnization of
the day and that piece of paper affirming our marriage is definitely

So, I won’t go on and on, just know that I do so appreciate what all of you
do each and every day to make a positive difference for our community. Our
civil rights struggle continues and, hopefully, one day Florida will wake
Again, thank you.

                 Congratulations Steve   …..  Tim

Crystal Ball Late, But Mostly Right

     In our last discussion, the Crystal Ball was consulted to see what would happen at last nights’ public hearing for the Marina Lofts “luxury” rental building,  proposed to be built on the New River in the Tarpon River neighborhood.

     The Ball said  approvals for moving the now famous Rain Tree, and its associated building allowances would happen at 11:30 pm.

                            Try 3:07 a.m.!

      The ball had it right on most of the other details.

     Commissioner Romney’s did recuse himself from the deliberations, ( and the new City Attorney did back him up), and the vote to move the Rain Tree  was  3-1, with Trantalis opposing.

      But the final vote for the project itself was 4-0, with Trantalis persuaded by the scaled back  version of the project orchestrated by Mayor Jack Seiler.


     I give the ball an 8 – and am sending it out for minor adjustment!

Rain Tree Relocation Approved !

      I’ve just taken a look into my crystal ball –


     And sadly, tomorrow night, the City’s Rain Tree wins approvals that allow it to be moved, trimmed back, no longer the largest of it’s species.


     The tree is a true giant, and is thought to be the largest of its’ species in the continental United States., because it only grows in Florida and Hawaii, and there isn’t one this large anywhere in Florida!

     Furthermore, about thirty years ago the tree was specifically protected by the City Commission, because of its’ specialness,  but those protections will be set aside about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday ( damn this crystal ball is good!)

     Here’s the rest of the story –

     First, the item won’t come up until late in the evening, and a good portion of the crowd that was there earlier to oppose the tree move has been worn down and gone home.

      Then, Commissioner Romney Rogers will announce a “conflict” of interest and recuse himself from the vote. He will say that his law firm represents the Water Taxi, and because they will be somehow affiliated with the Marina Lofts  project (the crystal ball is murky here), his firm will stand to gain, and therefore he cannot vote.


      The new City Attorney, Cynthia Everett,  will back him up. [ When Rogers runs for Mayor after Seiler leaves that post in 2018, no one will be able to say Rogers voted to move the Rain Tree ( just in case it croaks from the move].

                                                       big dead tree

       Then there will be a raucous debate, with Commissioner Trantalis opposing the tree move.

     Commissioners Dubose and Roberts won’t say too much, but will rely on information from the City’s Urban Forester (Gene Dempsey), who will say the tree could be relocated safely, and then Mayor Seiler rounds out the vote and it passes – 3 to 1.


     With the tree out of the way, the Marina Lofts 950 unit rental building, that creatively looks like it was split by an earthquake, gets approvals to build, and the Rain Tree gets moved somewhere south of the building. (No word yet form the ball if the tree ultimately survives the move).

                                    Now you don’t even have to watch!



Sue and Be Sued !

     If you thought that the question of how to redevelop our Fort Lauderdale Beach had been settled, you’d be way wrong. Let me tell you who is suing who this week!

     Our Beach is in a constant state of disagreement. The problem is that the beach is our major tourist attraction, but it is also a neighborhood!

     Today’s controversy involves a proposal for a new condominium called Grand Birch.

     The developer for the Grand Birch condo received approvals to build the 115 feet, 22 unit condo on the Intracoastal in April from the City Commission, but soon there after a group that calls itself –   Residents for Responsible Growth – sued the City to stop the construction.

                                         proposed condo in the yellow box

      The group, (RRG),  said the approval for the condo was illegal, and their attorney, Keith Poliakoff, (who is usually a pro-development attorney, – go figure,) said he thinks he could hold up the construction of the condo for three to five years, if the developer doesn’t capitulate and make the building smaller, etc.

     [Enter proposed condo – developer’s attorney]

      ….  “it has been the plan of a discreet group of unaffected citizens to use the court for the improper use of delaying ……”

      ….. The developer’s attorney has counter sued for the developer, and is demanding about $7000.00 in damages from the Central Beach Alliance, for interfering, (though the CBA have dropped their participation in the suit)  …. But the group RRG is still in the fight…..


      …. here is the question that I want you to answer –   will we ever find consensus on how to redevelop our beach ?

                  …….  how about a comment !

                                     …….. Tim



Speaking of Crime

     Our last post was about the rate of burglaries finally going down in the South Middle River neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale, after the introduction of the newest in crime prevention techniques- Smartwater – 

                                                      criminal doused with Smartwater

      -but unfortunately, the rate of burglaries in its’ next door neighborhood, Middle River Terrace. that doesn’t have City sponsored Smartwater,  went UP by the same percentage ! (squeezing of the balloon they call it) ………. 

     Tomorrow, both those neighborhoods join the LakeRidge and Poinsettia Hgts neighborhoods for a National Night Out Against Crime event.


     All Fort Lauderdalians are invited  …  Join the 13th Street Alliance, the Fort Lauderdale Police DepartmentMayor Seiler, Commissioner Trantalis, and City Manager Feldman for an interesting and fun event designed to keep up the fight against crime.


     The event is Tuesday, August 6, from 5:30 pm until 8 pm, on NE 13th Street between Dixie Highway and NE 5th Terrace.

     Everything is free, even the famous Bear’s Sausage and Pepper Subs!

     ….. and you’ll have to see the challenging game of “ring around the criminal” to believe it – 

                                 see you tomorrow   ……  Tim

Is SmartWater Working?

     SMARTWATER    ….. 


     Smartwater is that space-age, novel approach to fighting crime. It uses an invisible liquid, (only visible under black light), to mark valuables for recovery after a break-in. The theory is that criminals will stop breaking into homes, fearing they might actually be caught! 

     Smartwater has been used in about 400 homes in the most crime-ridden neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale, (South Middle River), since the beginning of this year, and the Police Crime Stats released yesterday might begin to tell a tale about its’ effectiveness, and how the authorities might have to tweak the program.


     The good news is that burglaries in South Middle River have been reduced so far this year by 12% (110 burglaries so far this year compared to 125 burglaries – same time last year). 

     The bad news, unfortunately, is Sir Issac Newton.


      ” To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction “, 

     The neighborhood just to the east of South Middle River –
 Middle River Terrace – has had a 14% INCREASE in burglaries over the same time period.

     And vehicle burglaries in South Middle River have jumped a disturbing 36% this year over last year  – (60 so far this year over 44 same time last year) –

   …..  could it be that the criminals are breaking into cars instead of homes, or just breaking into nearby homes in a neighborhood without SmartWater ? 

      There may be some tweaking to do !  

City Misconduct Charge !

     Most readers of this blog already know that the OIG, (Office of Inspector General) for Broward County, has issued a report entitled –

       Misconduct by Fort Lauderdale in the award of the contract for the Design and Construction of the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex


   [  I have been looking into the history of Fort Lauderdale’s different renovation plans for the International Swimming Hall of Fame Complex, and it’s quite amazing, but first a little more about the report – ]

       The report from the OIG claimed the City “conducted an inadequate procurement and legal review process” ……. let a contract that allocated $67,000 for unidentified costs …. shielded $1.66 million from audit   ….. said the RFP (request for proposal) was flawed and sent “mixed signals that dissuaded competitive participation“.

                                                         ISHOF Complex

      The report seems to place a large amount of the blame on just retired City Attorney Harry Stewart, but also criticized City Manager Lee Feldman.


     Though I agree that these two highly paid employees of the Fort Lauderdale City Commission should have seen the problems with this RFP and publicly counseled against moving forward, I suspect they were trying to please their bosses ( the Commission), and finally get the Aquatic Facility redo done.

     . The tortured, controversial processes of revamping  ISHOF  has seen five Mayors, and has been in the news for nearly three decades, through two different renovations.

                                     ……. five Fort Lauderdale Mayors

      Here are some headlines from the Sun-Sentinel over the years about ISHOF renovations

          ………..  Tues, April 4, 1989   ….. Residents Vow to Fight Beach Plan   

           ……….  Wed. June 28, 1989   ….. Pool Funds May Face Veto

           ……….    Mar. 31, 1991  ……….. Gov. Chiles Refusing to Release $400,000

           ……….     Jan. 9, 1993   …….. Aquatic Complex Reopens- $12 million [cost] 

           ……….     Sept 6, 2001  ………..  Swim Center Improvement Plan Gains Support 

            ………     April 24, 2002 ……..    Swim Center Proposal on Hold

            ………     June 5, 2002  …….      Lauderdale Turns Down Aquatic Plans

            ……….    May 6, 2009  ……. Fort Lauderdale Politicians Propose Aquarium (ISHOF)

            ………..    June 3, 2009  …….  Lauderdale Scuffles Aquarium Idea

             ………     May 20, 2010    …… Aquatic Plan makes $76 Million Splash

             ………..    April 7 2011 ….. Ft. Laud. Background Check of (ISHOF) Developer

             ………..     May 4, 2011  .,… Projections Don’t Add Up for Revamp

             …………    July 7, 2011 …. Review Slams Plan for Swim Project

             ………..     Aug. 12, 2011 …. Seiler Wants Revamped Plans for ISHOF Project

            ………….     Oct. 3, 2011  … City Proposes New Vision for ISHOF complex

            ………..       Sept. 18, 2012  … Swim Hall Contract has Price Locked In

            ………..       July 25, 2013   …… Lauderdale Deal Violated Law – OIG says     

                                …..     so, what’s next? ….. Tim   




Neighborhood Watch Fort Lauderdale?

     Does Fort Lauderdale have Neighborhood Watch programs? We certainly have lots of crime in some neighborhoods, but could we have a shooting death like what happened in Sanford if citizens are out there patrolling?

                       Here’s the deal ……

     The City’s Police Department has a program called Citizen’s on Patrol.


      These are the active citizens in the program ( that’s wife Cindy bottom row, second from right). They are well trained, drive around in City issued old police cars, dress in official looking uniforms,  and are instructed how to call in problems to Police Dispatch. They take additional training to help in accident traffic control.

     They use Police Radios, have to file a report after each outing, and can’t patrol alone. And they absolutely can’t carry any weapons!

     There is no other official citizen patrolling going on that I know of, but one neighborhood is in the process of forming there own Neighborhood Watch Program.


     LakeRidge President Shannon Harmeling (right), and  board member Juliette Rocque have been working with Police Chief Adderley on their new Neighborhood Watch program.


     They say the LakeRidge Neighborhood Watch program will have strict rules.

     1.) The participants will have to be approved by the neighborhood Public Safety Committee  and the neighborhood’s Board of Directors.
2.) They will also have to attend an orientation conducted by LakeRidge and  the FLPD.

      3.) They must do a “ride-along” with a Policeman during the “evening shift”.

      4.) They must attend the Citys’ CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) training within a month of being a neighborhood watchman.

               Should the city sanction, or encourage more watch programs like LakeRidges ?



     Do you profile?

     A big issue in the Zimmerman trial is whether or not he profiled Trayvon Martin as a criminal, and that got me to thinking about profiling. Do I profile? …Do you profile?


                                            Let’s play the profile game !

     Look at each picture below. Give me the first word or phrase that comes to your mind. Don’t try and beat  the game…just play it honestly and send your answers into the site as a comment –

                                           ( if you dare ! )

          your answer here

              your answer here

                 your answer here

           your answer here 

                    your answer here

                     your answer here

                                                      So, do you profile?


     I don’t often pontificate on matters outside of Fort Lauderdale, but I think I might have some special insight into how this terrible tragedy of the killing of Trayvon Martin  happened.

     You see, I was a neighborhood watch guy.

      Let me start by saying that I don’t believe that George Zimmerman is guilty of murder or manslaughter.  ….. I’ve thought that from the beginning….. And if you’ve never lived in a neighborhood with a lot of crime,  never had to concern yourself with it, I understand why you might not see it this way, but  …

                                    This is my opinion – and here’s how I see it….



     For almost a decade during the 1990’s, I  spent lots of time with neighbors trying to stop criminals from destroying  neighborhoods. Crime was out of control. We formed anti-crime groups after it seemed the Police were losing the battle with the street criminals. We marched the streets, started bike patrols,  called the press, demanded action. We were mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore!

     The criminals then were mostly drug dealers.  [And yes, there was a racial component then. The dealers were almost all young black men, and the drug addicts (buyers) were most often white guys]. We followed the dealers, (and the buyers), profiled both, called the cops incessantly. 

     We never confronted the dealers, just followed and called the cops. And on a few occasions, the dealers got mad at our meddling into their profitable business and tried to assault us, but we’d back off and call the cops some more.

      I’m glad we did not carry guns.

    In Sanford, Florida, the crime that frustrated the neighborhood was burglary. Even though Trayvon Martin was not a criminal,  Zimmerman thought he was.


      Zimmerman said as much to the 911 operator – these “fucking punks always get away”. So Zimmerman followed Martin, profiled Martin, called the cops on Martin, made sure Martin didn’t get out of his site. None of that is illegal, but it certainly pissed Martin off.

     Martin told his friend on the phone that this “creepy ass cracker” was following him. I think Trayvon  knew that he was being profiled, that Zimmerman was calling the cops on him. But Trayvon knew he wasn’t doing anything wrong.!


      Why should he put up with this dude disrespecting him like that? Why should he go run into the house? He had a right to walk there!

     Then Martin’s anger built, and he did what many 17 year-old males might have done  – set out to teach Zimmerman a lesson….. Got the drop on Zimmerman –  clocked him – climbed onto him, not stopping to think things out.

      Zimmerman was armed, he fired, and the rest is just tragedy.