How Long is Long Enough?

     This week, the Fort lauderdale City Commission will vote to ask us to change the way we elect them!

   I think they have their proposal  mostly right

                                  …. except for one big mistake ( I’ll get to that in a minute)

                                           Here are the specifics

     …..the Commission will vote to put a referendum on the November 6th 2012 ballot that would do a few things –

     1.) eliminate primaries for City Commissioners and Mayor – seems right, it will save beaucoup bucks, and doesn’t really mean all that much.

     2.) move the City Elections to November, to coincide with State-wide elections– very good, almost no one votes in March City Elections, this will increase voter participation for sure!

     3.) Extend the terms of the Commissioners/Mayor from 3 years to 4 years, which would allow them to serve 12 years instead of 9 –  ….Bad…Wrong…Not Good at all! 

We’ve proven in our City that 9 years is plenty enough time to serve on the City Commission – here are a few examples!
          Former Commissioner Cindi Hutchinson
– Served nine years, was term limited out and went for Mayor. Arrested for corruption, awaiting trial.

      Former Commissioner Cary Keno – served six years, arrested for Felony Extortion, found not guilty after the boy who picked him out of a photo line-up, couldn’t identify him in court some years later.

   Former Commissioner Dean Trantalis – served just one term and called it quits. Came back three years later and ran for Mayor and lost. Now considering another run for Commission.

   Former Commissioner John Aurelius (left), won third term and quit halfway through citing family matters.

     This is Kathy Willets, infamous Fort Lauderdale prostitute, that had, as a client, family values Vice Mayor Doug Danziger, who was “caught” after 5 years on the City Commission!

 Former Commissioner Christine Teel, served 6 years, ran for her 3rd term and lost. Left town soon thereafter!

    Former Commissioner (me), served 2 terms, could have run for a third term as Commissioner, but opted to run for Mayor ( against Naugle) and lost.

                      …..  Join me in telling Mayor Seiler and the rest of the Commission to change their proposal to allow for just (2) four year terms, for a maximum of 8 years on the Commission-

                           – and if they won’t, then join me in voting down the proposal in November!