Fort Lauderdale Beach Residents Feeling Left Out

     The Central Beach Alliance, the historically strong willed, and very vocal civic association for the Fort Lauderdale beach residents, is not so happy.


      In a pointed e-mail sent yesterday to the Mayor and Commissioners, Central Beach Alliance President John Weaver spelled out to the Commission how they have been leaving the Alliance out of important decisions affecting the beach – 
     Weaver said in his e-mail that the alliance would like “some specific advanced notice, so we’re not getting information after the fact” and that they would like to know about it [ developments at the beach] and be involved from the beginning”. He added that ” a constant and open dialogue is not unreasonable to expect”.

     What touched off this latest unrest from the beach group was a proposal for a new Walgreens by the Morgan Property Group at the base of the Las Olas Bridge, on the NE corner where the gas station and old liquor store are. The idea was floated during Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom’s Commissioner reports at the last City Commission meeting. 

       George Morgan
     Other members of the group say they were “shocked” when the first they had heard of the new Walgreens was while watching the Commission meeting on TV.

     In their letter, they also said they were concerned about other projects ” in and around the Las Olas bridge ” that they say they haven’t been consulted on either.

     Weaver did say that he had already heard from someone at the Commission level, ( though he said he wouldn’t comment on that to give all the Commissioners a chance to respond) and a return public e-mail from Rodstrom says she had “plans to brief your membership at their September meeting“. Should be an interesting meeting!

     When I asked Weaver if the Commission was intentionally leaving his group out of the discussion, or if he hadn’t been paying close enough attention to current happenings, he said ” probably a little bit of both”.