On Wednesday, after years and decades of bitching about how our City has never had a clear ………………
Vision for the future,
…….. and after over a year of planning how we might be able to go to all the citizens of Fort Lauderdale, not just the inside few, and figure out a real plan, one that could really work,
……. we might just be ready to start planning a great future for all of Fort Lauderdale.
WOW ….. won’t that be great !
…………….. Here’s what a few people have said about Vision
…………. The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no Vision – Helen Keller
…………. Some men see things as they are and ask “Why?” I dream things that never were and say “Why not?” – Robert Kennedy
………… Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others –Jonathon Swift
……….. Where there is no Vision, the people perish – the Bible !
The Vision planning work will take a year, go out to all parts of the City, both residential and business, and be organized by three professional companies that have done similar Visioning Action Plans for cities like …….
San Jose
Hilton Head
New Orleans
St. Augustine
Fort Worth
Key Biscayne
…….. and lots of others …
It will cost the City about $300,000 for about a year of work …. finishes with a exhaustive, comprehensive Action Plan, and an Implementation Plan ( with a roadmap of where to go after any money that’s needed and available to help completely accomplish it,) and a schedule of monitoring that makes sure the City Commission gets ‘er done!
We really can’t afford not to do this ………..
Please call or e-mail the Mayor and the Commissioners now and tell them you are ready to help plan the City’s future ! Vote Yes !
(Their phone number is 954-828-5003)