Join the Tim Smith Team ! Please !

So I’m running for City Commissioner– Fort Lauderdale District II,  just like I first did almost 15 years ago, and I find myself just as I was then ……




…..  The Underdog ! …..When I ran for my first term, I was in a race with seven others for an open seat…… I was running against a former Speaker of the House, Tom Gustafson,  and people said with the money he was raising, I might as well go home …




…..Well I didn’t go home, battled on, and won in the primary by just 4 votes ! ( every vote counts!)

……Now I find myself in another open seat race, and this time, the Big Dog is a top lawyer- lobbyist who is bragging about raising $10,000 in just 6 days for his heretofore unknown candidate….

Here is who I think he raised the money  from …..




….. Fat Cats   …. lawyer Lobbyists !

……Now I need your help   … I have always had a policy of only accepting $25 donations  ….I know that big political donation money is the root of evil, and I’ll have no part of it  …… So I need $25 from all of you, please

   …… To donate on this site, hit the DONATE  button below and send me $25  …. It will be greatly appreciated….. I promise I will not let the Fat Cats win, so I primed the Tim Smith campaign with $10,000 of my own money ( I mean me and Cindy’s money) and will stay competitive no matter what…. But I sure hope you will join the Tim Team with $25, so I can quit sleeping on the couch !

Lastly, The Tim Team will have it’s organizational meeting next Wednesday. November 8, at this place




at 530 NE 13th Street , November 8 at 5:30 …. Food will be served !

…..OK, here is that dreaded DONATE button ! ….thanks, talk soon …..  Tim

(Paid for and approved by the Tim Smith campaign for Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner Dist 2)

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4 Replies to “Join the Tim Smith Team ! Please !”

  1. I like rhe fact that you are your own man.What i mean by thst is tou are toyr own campaign manager.Comm.Bruce Roberts should take note.Oh his manager is speaking for him.Justifying his employment record(that is up to him to rationalize and explain his tenure with city)its him who should be explaining things.While he is paying bug dollars(waste).I like your style.No influence from local lobby firms(go away),like this opponent you.mention.Your a one man show.I respect that.No need for you to pay some over inflated.overpriced(meow)campaign manager.Who could actually hurt you instead of so exicted for you.I keep encouraging you to put alot if emphasis on debating your opponents.Lets get a debate forum going.I hope other canudates for your race and esp.the mayoral race read between the tea leafs..Tell Feldman to get packing.Him and jiggle go big go fast.And this Wave should go big and go fast out if here.Good luck…One request you keep comm.ast.Scott Wyman.He won.t disappoint you.His performance is exceptional and knows the district very well…

  2. Ps.zi will give you my donation in person the week of Thansgiving.Im on a detail assignment out if town right now and am do back in Ft.lau. on the 21st.Can.t wait to aee u and your family at that time.Plus i have a records request to be picked up at rhe evening comm.meeting on the 21st from the clerk.Let me be the first to wish you all the best this holiday season.Im exicted this year.One i survived a Cat 4 hurricane.And turning 50 this past year has given me a new spiritual awkening.Its like im 18 again.Crows feet and all.Feels good to put the size 42 sport coat on,with the matching 32 inch waist pants.Bring on birthday 51…

  3. Sheila brings up a great point.So many residents that i have talked to ate not only against the Wave but are actually fear full that id Seiler and mayoral canidate Bruce Roberts get this going since its so overpriced and over budget(yes) that your property taxes and a special tax or assessment whatever you spin it Bruce &Jack(seiler)could be higher than your water and sewer and everything else you pay TRIPLED.I have never seen such concern and i had to rescind my endorsement og Bruce Roberts because of this and his campaign manager.Yes,Judy Stern i coyld not believe the virsiol comments.She is Roberts worst enemy.I could only endorse now if he fired Judy Stern and if he petitions to let the city manager go.This race for mayor is now between Dean Trantalis and Charlotte Rodstrom.Inciedently Tim they both share your vision…..

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