The third Citizen Tour is Wednesday, April 11th, and is the most fun one yet ! And YOU are invited!
The Bonett House on the beach
The Bonett House is one of Fort Lauderdale’s best kept secrets. It’s on the beach, but unless you knew it, you wouldn’t know it. It’s tucked away in a most beautiful tropical setting, on the west side of A1A, just south of Sunrise Blvd.
The House was built in 1920, the land a gift to his daughter by Hugh Taylor Birch. Birch had bought – something like 40 acres- of beachfront property for $5000., as nobody else wanted to live at the unpopulated, mosquito laden beach!
unpopulated beach !!!
The Citizen tour is a private, backstage tour, held after closing hours.
monkeys live there
After the fascinating tour of the House and Grounds by Patrick Shavloske, the Development director of the House, we will all be treated to the special cocktail that the Bartletts drank back in the 1920’s (as they held up at their secluded, empty beachfront Shangra La) – the Rangpur Rum Punch ( lots of ingredients including Maple Syrup!), served up by the infamous beach pub owner, Tim Schiavone, of the World’s Famous Parrot Lounge.
Space is limited – here’s the deal
Wednesday, April 11th
5 p.m.
$10 donation required
* if you want to attend, either post a comment on this blog, like -” hell yea Tim, I’m coming for the Rangpur Rum Punch”, or send me a private e-mail to and tell me you’re in ! … Hurry!