The Broward County District 7 Commission race, already marked by bad behavior and lawsuits, has grown worse.
In my last post, we discussed the candidates in the District 7 race, and some of the ugly tactics that some were taking, and a little about the mysterious write-in, Make-up Artist, candidate Jessica Heinecker ( more on her tomorrow!)
But today, we’re talking about ugly, sharp, dirty, disgusting campaign tactics, which will always bring you around to this…..
Judy Stern
Politicians hire Stern because she gets results. She gets those results anyway she has to, and now that includes some powerful arm twisting.
Broward Commission candidate Tim Ryan is Stern’s newest project, and yesterday Stern sent out this, well, very stern e-mail to the all powerful (Broward lobbyists):
He [Ryan] is looking for contributions to wrap up the end of this opportunity, and as an experienced former legislator, he understands the loyalty of those who step to the plate in the beginning versus those who may wait until after election day in August for his November election cycle. If anyone wants to meet with Tim, this is the week to do so, and Donna, my secretary can schedule the meeting.“
I reached Stern this morning, and she sent me this explanation-
Thanks for your inquiry on my late night email.
Since Tim (Ryan) did not ask me to send any request, it was my own creation late one evening only to a handful of individuals who previously asked me about wanting to give donations to Tim’s campaign and time is now running for deadlines to give.
I apologize if any individual, who previously asked me about this race and campaign contributions, wished to mistake this email for something more than its intent.
I’d put in a call to Ryan, and just heard back.
“I’m very upset and disappointed (in Stern). First off, she is not on my payroll, and what she said is absolutely false”
Ryan said he knew Stern was trying to drum up cash for him, but “went overboard” with the e-mail.
Ryan said he “denounces” the e-mail in “its entirety”.