This morning, 25 % of the candidates for the Fort Lauderdale City Commission, got up early and met at the Main Library to draw attention to the miserable conditions there ..
It was a bigger success than I expected, let me tell you why …..
…. Though it was on short notice, and many of the candidates had conflicts, we did see candidates Ben Sorensen, Marie”Peaches” Huntley, Dr. Warren Sturman and myself.
First, we decided to look around and take in the problem, before we got busy picking and sweeping ……
The weakest amongst us live there, outside in the rain and the filth ….
But here comes the silver lining of the whole adventure …..
On Friday, I called County Commissioner Ryan’s office and spoke with his wonderful aide Kristen Carter, to give them a heads up that candidates from Fort Lauderdale were coming to try and do something with the garbage at the County facility… She said she would let “facilities ” know!
When we pulled up, you know what we saw ……..
and facilities
and facilities ……
Funny how things work sometimes ...
So we ( the four candidates) decided that after this success, we should continue on and do something else productive …… We are asking the City to let us tour the Sewage Treatment Plant, (as sewage is the number one problem on everyone’s mind), on (Monday, November 27th, from 11;30 to 12;30, lunch hour:-), so everyone can understand the whole complicated system, ask tough questions, be ready to govern..
I’m hoping for an even greater turn – out of the candidates there …
All i can say is this situation should have never come to this.I want to see from all these canidates esp. for mayor what is your solution to this whole mess…
Tim’s the man who GETS IT DONE!!!!
I did that tour a few years back with you. It “stunk
Tim gets the job done! Within 48 hours he organized, brought folks together, cleaned up a mess and got the county to help. That’s got to be a worlds record for Fort Lauderdale.