The times, they are a-changin!
It was just a few years ago today, Mayor Naugle and his crew vote nay…
The big hotels were out of style, they guaranteed they’re gone awhile…
But it’s introduced to them and they say, a big new hotel, we say YEA!…
We’re Mayor Naugle’s Big Giant Hotel Band !!! ………
But all goofiness aside, the days of raucous Public Hearings about proposed new Beach hotels might be over.
Here are a few of the comments from the three vote anti-redevelopment majority a few years back;
Teel: “another example of another building on too small a lot …10 lb.s of sugar in a 5 lb. can …..
and, “I think were are going to regret jamming on these buildings along the waterfront…..
Rodstrom: If you’re a developer, I’m not your candidate…..
and “I’ll fight the greedy developer”……
Naugle: I heard a clear message during the campaign, I can’t support going forward…
But this week all five members of the City Commission voted in favor of a new beach mega-hotel, the Ocean Wave. The Wave needed special votes to approve it, because it’s length (325 ft.) and height (245 ft.) exceeded beach development rules.
artist’s rendering of Ocean Wave
Here are the comments from the Commission before their affirmative vote this week on the Ocean Wave;
NO COMMENTS ! …… looks like the times, they are a-changin……..