Police Endorsement !

FOP Lodge 31 Logo.1


The most important job of a City Commissioner is to see to it that the citizens are safe. 

I’ve always made that my number one priority as a City official….  Today, I’m exceptionally proud, because those Police men and women that make up the FLPD Fraternal Order of Police have given me their endorsement!



Now our Department is very highly rated and citizen involved. Below is our Police Chief with the FLPD Fight Breast Cancer Police Car…



……. but when things do go bad, and they need to act fast, and tough …..



they can and they do…..

Our force is highly trained and ready …… and that is why we need to attract the best of the best to serve.

So thanks FLPD-FOP, for the endorsement, and let’s continue to improve, I hope I am there soon to help the mission!


Here is my current supporter list, hope you are on it, or are willing to join the Elect Tim Smith team ….

Call me anytime at 954-822-4727


Nina Randall ( former Middle River Terrace Pres)

Tim Schiavone ( Parrot Lounge)

Rob Edlin ( Flagler Village)

Howard Steinhols ( Seven Isles)

Vicki Mowrey ( Central Beach)

Abby Laughlin ( Central beach)

Steve Jacobson (former VP Lakeridge)

Marge Anderson (former Pres Middle River Terrace)

John Aurelius ( former Ft laud CC )

Ron Weinbaum

Logan Ritter ( MRT)

Jen Brugman (MRT)

Ross Parker ( Call of Africa)

Pastor Petit Frere

Ben Session ( former pres SMRCA)

Sal Gatanio ( former pres SMRCA)

Katherine Barry (past Pres CCA)

Charlie Ladd- small developer

Lorraine Saunders ( past Pres MRT)

Maureen ( Eat the Tea)

Donna Collins ( sec. SMRCA)

Cindy Smith – wife

Timmy Smith- son

Frank Palenco ( House of Art)

Rev. Luke Harrigan

Pastor Diane Mann

Dave Justin ( former treasure MRT)

Randall Klett ( former Prres MRT)

Mark Hensel ( former Pres MRT)

Sean (Le Boy)

George Mihau- newsletter publisher

Chuck Gregory – Board of CCA

Michael Haerting ( Cycle Party)

Chris ( cycle party)

Johua Tiktin ( Mass District)

Mark Hartman ( former Pres MRT)

Don Crinklaw- reporter

Elaine Viets ( famous local author)

Louise Birminham – MRT

Steve Greer – MRT

Gail Jacobson – Lakeridge

Hubert and Terry (SMRCA)

Rob and Carmen Smith (SMRCA)

Rayon Piper ( VP of CCA)

Jessica Piper – MRT

Dan Lewis – former mayoral candidate !

Tore Heubel – MRT

James Brady

Robin Merill

Doug Snyder

Caldwell Cooper

Rocky Bowell- Pride Factory

Justin Greenbaum – CRA

Derrick Caglianone – 13th Street

Pam Caglianone- 13th Street

Amy Jones Hamilton – former Pres. Laudergate Isles

Vicki Eckels- – also District 4 resident supporting Ben Sorensen

Barry Curtis – MRT

Diane and Bill Smart- preservationists

Bob Oelke

Neysa Rich Brady

Jack Moroney – 13th Street

Harris Soloman-

Howard Elfman – former Dist II candidate !

Rob Stiegle- small developer

Linda and Karl Shallenberger

Mel Lenet- 13th Street

David and Susanna Coleman – MRT

Cliff and Michelle Stickler – MRT

Ray Thrower – SMRCA

Tom Rose

Jim Ober

Richard Eberhard – MRT

Steve and Beverly Stahl – MRT

Nick Saknofsky – former candidate

Brad Laird _ SMRCA


Frank Link – Central Beach

Ray Parker – Parker Playhouse

Michael Madfis- architect

Michael Ferber – former candidate Dist II

Anthony Abbate- famous guy

Dil Hatchette – MRT

Dan Murphy – MRT

John Day- famous guy

Marc Dickerman

Mark Lambert = Central Beach

Darrin Mowrey – Central Beach

Tony Esposito – Flagler Village

Marilyn Hurst –

Mike Tucker – President FOP

Genia Ellis

P.J. Espinol – SMRCA

Nicole and Janette – SMR

Dick Ellis

Diana Centorino – fmr. P&Z

Percy Johnson

Tom Recca- CityView

Mike Moscowitz – former candidate Dist. II

Christine Jones – VP-  Lauderdale Manors

Fenel Antoine – Haitian Community leader

Jeff Torkleson – Bike Project

James Campbell

Tony Curatolo

Marie McGinley – South Middle River

Doug Blevins – former Pres SMRCA



…. see me in the community, or send me an email or call me at 954-822-4727 to add your name  …thanks, Tim


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paid for and approved by the Tim Smith campaign for City Commissioner Fort Lauderdale









4 Replies to “Police Endorsement !”

  1. Sorry Marc…… you were one of my first supporters…. don’t know what happened,but you’re up there now !! thanks, Tim 🙂

  2. Hi Tim.Your the talk of the town,again.I received notice that u received the FOP 31 endoresement ,what an honor.However.i also received notice that one of the other canidates Steve Glassman was not given the courtsey of an interview and that he doesn.t support the police.This Tim is not accurate.I know Tim you did not scam or do anything under handed and had nothing to do with the process.That being stated im going to petition that Mr.Glassman at least get an interview.I have alwsys been straight forward with you and think you and your wife did an amazing job raising your son.And also yoy have even more company in your race.You now have Atty.George Castrataro.This gives Maxy pad heartburn cause they are both from LakeRidge.Not good fellows.Also Big muscle bound,bald George here is now going to split the gay vote between him and Glassman.Makes Glassman work even harder.Now mayoral canidate Comm.Dean Trantalis not only knows George but has helped his law career ten fold.Come on Dean if you stated reconsider George he would have.Dean basically backstapped Glassman(yes).Dean could say jump and George would say how high.Dean knows he has a great influence in the gay community.To do this to Steve Glassman was awful.Glassman has always been a huge supporter of Deans(this is what i told the gay new yorkers_ and no i don.t want a invite to the Hamptons)Let George throw you countless fundraisers Dean.Why Dean? I think Glassman should run for mayor to split the gay vote with you Dean.He does that Dean Charlotte wins. Everyone tells me be careful of Dean.See the problem Tim in the gay community is to many want to be chiefs and not indians.Oh i still think this race is between you tim and Steve Glassman.Dean here just made it alot harder.So ro recap Steve derserves his interview with the FOP and does support the cops,as u do to tim&Dean with George in the race now just made it alot harder for Steve…..

  3. I am so proud of Tim for putting safety first, and for receiving the endorsement. His crime fighting career has spanned over 2 decades along with his family, working hand in hand with FLPD to make our neighborhoods safer.. He has a proven track record of getting things done . The City is facing issues that require experience , and knowledge. Please cast your vote for him on January 16th!

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