Updating, Etcetera

     Here is an update on a number of things we’ve been talking about this year……

          TREES etc.


       …… Most of us were appalled when the Broward School Board massacred many giant Mahoganies at Fort Lauderdale High.

     Well, the City stopped them, (temporarily), from gauging the last of them. And the picture above shows local tree champion and expert arborist Tom Chancey voluntarily trimming one of the remaining trees to show the School Board how to save them. Jury is still out on what will happen.

     ……  Now, another champion tree is at risk –


     ….. the “Rain Tree”, in Tarpon River, is in the way of redevelopment, and the developers are talking about “moving it”!

     It is the same type of tree in the movie “Swiss Family Robinson”, and the chances of successfully moving it are as remote as was the Swiss family!

     …… and, the City’s Urban Farming program is thriving in some areas in the City.

                   farmer Donna Collins of CITIFARM – hey, nice Papayas!


       ……  I told you a few months back, that the thugs that dragged my 13 year old Timmy into the woods in 2003, and beat him unconscious (to send a message to his father to stop fighting crime), were going back to trial 9 years later.

                                 thug – Hudson Joseph

     But as it turns out, the States Attorney’s office screwed up, and they weren’t able to take thug Joseph back to trial on that charge after all. They sent my son an explanation of the glitch, and Tim understands.

     On a good note, Joseph has committed another felony, soon to go to trial on that one, and he will hopefully stay in jail until he is too old to hurt others.

     Here is just one of the pages of his rap sheet, starting in the 1990’s when he was 12.



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