City Manager Allyson Love’s departure from Fort Lauderdale City employment didn’t happen this afternoon after all, only the announcement that she will not be staying around under the new City Management, expected to take place sometime soon.
Apparently, the announcement was made at a meeting restricted to department heads this afternoon, and was not expected to leak out as fast as it did. ( and reported before all the facts were known!)
Love took the job on an interim basis, and was widely expected to stay after a permanent Manager was chosen, returning to one of her former positions. Much of the upper management of the City has already left, which could be creating a void.
The City Commission is expected to choose from a short list of three finalists for the Manager job at their next meeting. I haven’t been able to find out when the new Manager would start, and if Love has agreed to stay until that happens…. I’ll let you know when I do…