Just in case you are a new reader here, let me explain the Tim Tours, and tell you what’s next – see if you want to come!
See, there are a lot of really neat things in the City that most residents could never see. I know that, because as a City Commissioner, I got a “back stage pass” to see them. You should get one too!
So I asked the City Administration, the Hospital, Bonnet House, FPL etc. if they would open up their “secret” areas to you –
And they said yes!
last month at the Crime Lab !
So here’s the scoop on this month’s fab tour! A clue – it’s a real stinker !
The one that you’ve been waiting for –
The Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour
Wednesday, March, 21st – 4 p.m.
The plant is on SE 17th Street and Eisenhower Blvd.. It’s a fascinating place…
….. you’ll be amazed at this billion dollar, state of the art facility…..
…….. space on the tour is very limited, so to reserve a spot, either place a comment here on the blog ( like “it’s Bobby, I’ll be there!”) or send me a private e-mail to
….. you can park around back, be prompt 4 pm …call me if you need to