Seiler Gay Move Called Insane, Bold, Unexplicable !

April 1, 2012
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

     You’ve probably read in the newspaper that Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler was dragged, kicking and screaming, into the issue of gay marriage this week, but you haven’t heard about the official action that Seiler took (absolutely no one expected, wait til you hear!).

      It all started when some Mayors across Broward County came OUT for gay marriage by signing on to the National campaign
, Mayors for Freedom to Marry. 

     Seiler was reportedly troubled by a scathing missive sent this week from the local gay group, the Dolphin Democrats, taking Seiler to task for not signing on to the National effort of Mayors, although mayors from Pembroke Pines, Hallandale, and  Miramar did.

       Seiler troubled

     So Seiler took a most unusual, unprecedented action. (you’ll be shocked). Seiler asked his old friend, former Governor Charlie Crist to join him in his announcement.

     Seiler signed his official, binding order, straight from the Mayor’s Office – (see below) 

      The action even confounded Gay Congressman Barney Frank!

   confounded Frank

                                                    Official Order of Mayor John P. “Jack” Seiler   
                         “ Here henceforth, with respect to Gays and Lesbians marrying, within the official City boundaries of Fort Lauderdale, I do hereby declare, by the power vested in me by the Charter of the great City of Fort Lauderdale …..

     — It is now   ……  Mandatory    for all gays in committed relationships, in the City, to marry, immediately.”
     Seiler went on to say, in his press conference, that he finally realized that the heterosexuals in the City shouldn’t carry all the weight of marriage, do all the dishes, put up with menopause, face divorce, watch TV in the garage, always change the oil in the car!

     The Gay reaction was mixed.

     Some celebrated, but some, realizing the table – turn that Seiler accomplished, started protesting the order – carrying a new banner – Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman!

     To early to tell how it will all work out- but if this post confounds you, and you want to understand it all better, check out the date at the beginning of this blog post.

                                                    …..   Tim


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