Rodstrom …. Why ?

     I know I run the risk of my blog being rebilled as the” Rodstrom Report”, by running yet another post about Charlotte Rodstrom, but this little tidbit needs explaining…..

     Today was the day that one of the Fort Lauderdale parks, the Middle River Terrace park, (on Dixie Highway), was set to go on the County Commission agenda for funding – to double its’ size, thanks to our new County Commissioner Tim Ryan. 

     The monies were to come from the last of the Land Preservation Bond Program monies that the citizens of Broward County voted for years back….


                              the current 4 acre park

                                        the almost added 3 acres next door

     But sadly the item was pulled off the County agenda, literally at the last minute, this morning. 
    Turns out that Charlotte Rodstrom was at the County building yesterday, meeting with some County Commissioners, (with her supporter Laura Crescenco in tow), and a County staffer told me that Rodstrom was talking the park addition down at a meeting with at least one Commissioner. 

     And a Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner told me that he received a call from Rodstrom later last night, saying the City should try and call off the County vote to enlarge the park, that there might not be a willing seller, or the seller might not take the Countys’ offer, or … the moon might be cream cheese!

     And lastly, the County Commissioner who officially asked for the deferral, said that Rodstrom not only asked her to remove the item, but “went around to everybody”…

     Anyhow, the nearly 3 acre park addition item was pulled – damn shame! 






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