Rodstrom Answers !

     A first of it’s kind, interview by blog. 

     You’ve been waiting. The Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom interview follows.  

                        A two-fer ! John and Charlotte Rodstrom

Here are my responses and thank you for your patience as you know last week we had some issues at City Hall.

Question #1:  So Commissioner, you have really been working hard for your District, you have had some successes and some failures.  What are you the proudest of accomplishing so far and what disappoints you the most?

1.  Yes, Tim I have been working hard but that is why I was elected.
 I have had many successes and few failures, some of my proudest accomplishments are:
*  The acquisition of the SMRCA passive park, which I was able to obtain through the Land Preservation Bond Fund.
*  The Beach Master plan and Zoning in Progress (ZIP)
*  The new zoning category RS-8A which provides protection from   McMansions in existing neighborhoods
* Street enhancements for Progresso Village
* Birch Finger Street parking
*  Finalization of the Las Olas Gateway project.
*  I am also very proud of the relationship I have with our residents, police and code personal.  I have worked towards our goal for safer and better neighborhoods.
*  The preservation and relocation of the Stonewall Library to Art Serve.
Some on going items include: moving the historic Anne Beck House to Middle River Terrace Park in order to serve as a community and education center.  In addition I am seeking land acquisitions to the Middle River Terrace Park and Sistrunk passive park. The Flagler Greenway Project is moving forward, and we are in the process of obtaining A1A Scenic Hwy designation, as well in the planning stages for the re-development the Hall of Fame Recreation Complex, I will continue to work with neighborhoods to facilitate the under grounding of utilities for neighborhoods that desire this through special assessment, I am continuing the crime and code efforts as well as developing ways to provide economic development on 13th Street.

My disappointment was when the H.O.M.E. Inc. project was rejected by my colleagues.  This project would have served as the catalyst for redevelopment in Middle River Terrace and on 13th Street.
I will continue to press this issue because I am committed to projects like this which the community greatly needs.

Question #2
You are the newest member of the Commission, but after 2 years on the job, is it everything you thought it would be or not, what would you change?

2.  The job of serving as the District Two representative is everything and more I thought it would be.  I truly enjoy the work and the results I have achieved. The only thing I would change would be the speed and efficiency in which government operates.  Government works much slower and less efficient than I work. I am developing ways to achieve more timely results in the future.

Question #3
There has been criticism that you and your husband John should not both be in elected positions at the same time.  Do you think that criticism is valid?

3.  I have not heard any criticism, quite the contrary the residents seem to be very pleased with how things have worked out.  The correspondence I receive reflect that my residents feel they have a stronger voice on more levels.  In addition my husband’s colleagues on the County Commission have been very responsive to my district’s needs.  I have a great working relationship with county government and the county staff.  Having that connection has helped me to serve my constituents very well.

Question #4
During your campaign, you were quite critical of the development community.  Now that our economy has slowed and Real Estate values have plummeted, has your opinion on development changed?

4.  No, I have always believed in quality not quantity when developing in the city I love.  The economy and the real estate market have fluctuated for years but once a building goes up it remains for a lifetime.    I served on the City Planning and Zoning Board for three years and I saw projects pass that should have never been approved. There is a need for re-development in parts of my district and other parts like the Barrier Island which needs to be protected.

Question #5
Would you comment on the performance of the City manger in your opinion?

5.  My comments are now part of the public record as it relates to the City Manager.  City Commission conference meeting June 3rd stated under commissioner reports. 

Question #6
Are you running for re-election?  If so, when do you expect to announce that?

6. Yes, I am running for re-election and I plan to announce before the end of the summer.  

Question #7
Will you be endorsing any mayoral candidates?

7.  It is too soon to tell but probably not since I will be running for re-election and I will be on the ballot at the same time, however I will reserve that right until filing. 

Question #8
Is there anything you would like to add?

8.  Yes, I have enjoyed working for District Two and I wish to continue, I only ask that residents continue to support my efforts.  Thank you again for your patience with my responses and for giving me the opportunity to do your BLOG interview, this was great.


     OK Readers, hope you enjoyed Rodstrom’s interview! Who do you want next ?… Let me know …… Tim 


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