Police Chief Adderley Resigns



…….. Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Frank Adderley announced to his department today that he is leaving his post. He will be taking an administration job at BSO ( Broward’s Sheriffs Office) . Keep reading to find out why!




…. Adderley’s 8 years as Chief of Police followed a thirty some years climb up the ladder that started as a regular patrolman. The Chief grew up in NW Fort Lauderdale.  He lives there today,  in the house he grew up in, after a tumultuous divorce had him leave the Plantation home he lived in with his family ( the Plantation home happens to be next door to District III’s Commissioner Robert McKinzie’s home).

……Adderley’s years as Chief is widely considered to have been a successful run.  Crime plummeted during the Chief’s tenure.  The Chief was known  as a very accesible Chief, and was also popular with his men and women in blue. He joined in neighborhood crime marches, held fish frys to bring together neighbors in the NW, and even agreed to play the part of the first Fort Lauderdale resident in an historical play written  and directed by yours truly :-).



….   Adderley the actor !

…. The Chief’s most difficult time on the force occurred when his wife at the time, suspecting marital infidelity, burst into the bedroom, grabbed the Chief’s service revolver, and began firing. Adderley lept up in his underwear, and dodged the bullets and made it safely to his neighbor’s home (McKinzie).



…… His wife, pictured above, served some time for the offense, even though the Chief asked that she not be charged.

…….    The Chief tells me he is leaving as Chief due to an impasse with the City lawyers concerning his, and 20 other City employees’ pay.    Apparently, the City lawyers decided that the City  had been paying the Chief and the others too much, as an IRS regulation on former employees receiving pensions and being rehired went overlooked for three years, and were attempting a $60,000 clawback if the Chief stayed on.

…. (I think I got all this right, although I wasn’t taking notes), and legal action in the cases is also pending.


……….   the Chief will be missed.

3 Replies to “Police Chief Adderley Resigns”

  1. First of all next in line for “top cop” should be Ast.Police Chief(ever time I talk to u ,u get promoted)Rick Magelione. He is one of us. As far as Chief Adderly the good that I see in him. He is a good man. That part of his life is over. He asked for forgiveness(weather he got it or not,well,). Mckenzie lives next door huh. U say I stated he was being investigated on another blog(thank the count for this weeks OIG outings(I stated come on show us what u got). Next State Atty,off-lets go w/ the cuffs). It wasn’t Mckenzie I thought called 911 it was top cop other neighbor from Plantation. Mrs.adderly spent almost a year in that pig sti jail. She did not deserve that. I wanted Bogenshulz to go another route adderly (Mrs).was threatened w/ ten yrs. I would have stated lets roll we put Frank on stand. So they thought to risky. No she would have walked. Gun went off accidently. Over and done w/. She deserved better. She did not deserve the way she was treated. He broke her heart. Lets move on. I wish him well. again the good that I see in him,astonishing. One thing that I never understood is his friendship w/ that fat slob Rothstein. That i’ll never understand. As far as Mckenzie your days are numbered on that dais.

  2. Greedy and over paid. Typical of this city and its’ over compensated and generously benefitted employees.

  3. Back to Comm>Mckenzie. He thinks he’s slick. He doesn’t live in that district and im going to to prove this. If I have to have” tail” him ,fine. This is a scam. I will get a court order to remove him. Confirmed he is under investigation.The SAO is going to make a move . In other words shit or get off the pot. Again he doesn’t not live in that district. He’s going. Trust me. Him ,his family will be tailed. To and from that house in Plantation. Homestead exem. is in wifes name. Thinks he got trump because of this. We will see.

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