Our Poorest Kids and the Holidays !

All kids should have a special holiday season- just like we did  …. Would you help make sure that that wonderful phenomenon happens in our whole community this year?

You see, right here in our community, we have lots of disadvantaged kids that don’t know that fabulous feeling/ that can’t wait feeling — toys under the Christmas tree!

This year, the Central City Alliance ( of neighborhoods and businesses), has a plan to help make the holidays all that it can be for these kids …

Here’s the creative plan …….

We’ve adopted our local elementary school,  Thurgood Marshall, on 13th Street and Powerline Rd., and plan on making all of their (400 kids) smile wide this year. The school is comprised of some of our most disadvantaged kids in the City. So this is what we will do .

Just for starters, we need at least 400 new, unwrapped toys for a boy or a girl aged 5 thru 11. Please buy whatever you can and deliver them to either the Christmas Palace, Oddballs Thrift store, or Flash Lube, all of them on NE 13th Street, as soon as you can. Please put this somewhere near the top of your to do list – we needs lots of toys !

And then we’ve asked the school principal to identify 15 students  that have tried the hardest this semester.

We will send those 15 deserving kids to, ready for this?  ….  Disney World, !!!

If you can help with the expenses of this, ( it will take $4000 )  text me at 954-822-4727, or the treasurer of the CCA at 954-708-5359.

Lastly, we are giving all four hundred kids a BIG holiday party at Warfield Park (Sunrise and Andrews Ave) on Sunday, December 22nd, from 2pm  until 4pm….  That’s where they will get their toys, chat with Santa, stuff themselves, and hear the announcement of the kids that have earned that great trip to Disney… you won’t want to miss this party!

Thanks for helping  … ….with any questions, call me at 954-822-4727 ….. Tim Smith


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