Mayoral Candidate Rynerson Blasts Back!

      Over the last few weeks, Fort Lauderdale Mayoral Candidate Earl Rynerson has been the target of an e-mail campaign surrounding some of his personal information.


     Seems one of the other “camps” did a thorough Public Records request, and found what they perceived to be juicy negative information. They have been sending it to any and all News Outlets they could find.  Former Sun-Sentinel columnist Buddy Nevins, through his blog,  published the info, but  I felt that a lot of the information was personal in nature and therefore not appropriate to post.

     Who is responsible for the “leaked” information is still a mystery, because the sender has been disguising  his or her identity. 

     Rynerson says he has had enough of it and has just sent in this response …… Here’s Earl! …

I wanted to comment on the recent postings I have been hearing about me. First, my financial matters. In the 35+ years I have had credit cards, and the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars that have gone through my accounts, I have had two (2) disagreements with card companies, both of which occurred 5-6 years ago,

One was for an African trip where deposits were made 3 months before the trip. Travel accommodations had in fact not been made and a repurchase had to be made overseas. Because the original deposits were made earlier than 60 days prior, the credit card agency has not (to date), been willing to reimburse me. The second was for a bad car repair, (the car breaking down on the way back from the repair company). Even though both of these amounts constituted a relatively small amount ($5-6K), I felt that the principal of the issue necessitated me to take a stand.

In both these instances, I felt that proper service was not provided, and I disputed (and will continue to dispute) these two charges. It is important to know how I feel about issues like this because, as Mayor, I intend to look at the City’s swollen budget closely, and will make sure that the public gets the service they should be getting for the taxpayer dollar spent. If I find that’s not the case, I will be as tenacious there as I am in my personal life.

I have also heard reports of some “spicy” Internet sites being talked about. I personally feel that what two consensual adults do (or don’t do) in the privacy of their own home is no one’s business but their own, and I will protect those rights, both for myself and for others. We as a city have gone through several years of an Administration trying to impose morals and judgments onto others, to the detriment of everyone. I feel that we need to stop trying to force our beliefs, opinions and morals on other people and allow our city to become more progressive. We need to embrace the diversity that we as a community have.

Now, let’s get back to the issues that really matter to voters, the Budget, Property Taxes and future economic vitality of our City. Thank you!

Lt. Colonel Earl Rynerson

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