All great cities have a Police Mounted Unit ……. We do!
Fort Lauderdale’s four legged finest !
They are unique in the things they do……. The problem is – they ain’t cheap!
Nearly every budget season, the Unit is on the chopping block, only to be saved by the bell at the last minute. Some year, sooner or later,they won’t make the cut. But what if the Unit could pay for itself?
Here’s what I’m thinking
We have a wonderful Mounted facility in Holiday Park, an 80 acre park right in the middle of Fort Lauderdale.
the horsey facility in Holiday park
The Unit does what it can to cut costs – here’s amazing proof !
Fort Lauderedale Cop with plunkards ( that’s what the stuff in the pitchfork is called!)
How about we try and find a horse stabling/riding business that would like to locate next to the Cops in the Park.
They could offer rides all around the giant park on the weekends, board horses for our citizens. They could even take over the plunkard digging duties!
There’s plenty of horse businesses out in Davie, and I’ll bet one of them would pay real money for the opportunity to go east to the big city Fort Lauderdale!
picture yourself here