A small group of Citizens really can make a difference!
This Citizen led effort began nearly three years ago, in September 2006. They called it “Citizens for a Better Code”, but the City has now renamed the effort the snappy – “Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions”!
It started like this: A group of friends were e-mail complaining amongst themselves about the out of scale townhomes that were being built in many of the City’s neighborhoods. They questioned the City’s rules that allowed those townhouses and duplexes to be built nearly on top little single family homes.
rather imposing eh?
They also wondered why the development Code was allowing things to get built that ended up looking like this –
I challenged them to quit their bitching and go “do something about it”!
I invited them into my home for an initial meeting and it grew from there.
The group was well balanced. It included neighborhood leaders that often preached slowing down re- development, like former City Commission candidate Charles Jordan, and activists Cal Deal and Ray Dettman, but also included local architects Michael Madfis and Gus Carbonelle. Green activists Linda Brown and Vicki Eckels pushed enviromental issues, and I was there to keep the peace and keep the pace!
The group looked at a myriad of other development issues too, like –
too many cars, not enough spaces!
and …….
too many cans..not enough hiding places!
The group met for about a month and came up with the document “Citizens for a Better Code“. They went to the Council of Civic Associations and officially offered their proposal! The Council, under the capable leadership of it’s President, Genia Ellis, and their tireless Committees Chair, Richard Mancuso, moved it along to where it is today.
Fort Lauderdale City Commission, now it’s your turn!