He’s a British citizen ( by birth), but more often than not, you’ll find him soaking up the sun in his ocean – front condo on the famous Fort Lauderdale Beach!
If he’s back in England, chances are, he’ll be seeing his personal Doctor for some troubling ailment…..free of charge!
He is C.J. Beck, ….. internationally famous author, ….. dual citizen,….. taker of Free British Health Care.
C.J. Beck at a signing for his new best selling book “Sixteen stories, no pets”
“the British Health Care System is a National Treasure” …. says C.J. …he calls it a ” mark of a civilized society” …..
…….C.J. has an English National Health Care “number”, which guarantees him Free Health Care at any urgent center like the urgent care Carle Place and so on. Here are some of C.J.’s more recent experiences with the English Health Care System:
” I had a sudden surge of extra floaters and flashes in the right eye, warning symptoms of a retinal tear and imminent retinal detachment. I was seen quickly by two consultants and they claim it’s posterior vitreous detachment, which one can get as the vitreous dries over time. Whew. So far so good. No charge.
….. But of course there are trade offs, no system is perfect! ….
“Ingrowing toe nail: National Health Service will cover some chiropody but it’s been six weeks and I’m still waiting. Tolerate the discomfort or go private is the unspoken rule. No charge for waiting…”
…… But then, ….
“Mystery soreness in palm of hand: Referral to a great physio within two weeks and an astute diagnosis of compressed ulna nerve or “handlebar palsy” that foxed two GPs. Seems to be improving. No charge. ”
……. But I had to ask Chris about those reported long waits for care ….. He says ….
” If you have something like a cancer scare, they have a guaranteed two-week turnaround. If you’re prepared to wait at the end of the day, and claim to have an urgent problem, the GP will se you the same day, and you can avoid a three day wait”
…….. So there is an actual Brit, with real – life British Health Care experiences ! …. He likes his system. But I bet we could do even better here in the
United States of America….. Let’s try !