Jim Lewis wants to replace term-limited Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner and Mayoral Candidate Cindi Hutchinson as the Commissioner for District 4.
Lewis is the third candidate that has thrown his hat into the ring for District 4. The others are local attorneys Coleman Prewitt and Romney Rogers.
Jim Lewis
Jim sent us his Press Release about his entry into the race, and we sent him back some questions…. The exchange follows:
Tim – So Jim, that’s a pretty impressive Press Release, sounds like you’ve been giving the issues alot of thought. When and why did you decide to run?
Lewis – I decided to run about a month ago. I’m running because I’m concerned about the direction that Fort Lauderdale is going in. We must act swiftly, to maintain the quality of life of our residents.
Tim – By the sound of your Press Release, you think the city has been pretty mismanaged as of late. do you place the blame for that on anyone in particular? … the current Commission?….the Mayor?…. the City Manager?…. lack of teamwork?…vision?…leadership void?…what?
Lewis – I’m not interested in placing blame on anyone for past mismanagement of the city. I do sense there is a lack of teamwork hampering City Hall’s ability to provide quality services in an efficient manner.
Tim – You handled some pretty famous cases in your law career, including Lionel Tate. Do you think some will hold that against you? What do you say to them?
Lewis – My law career spans 27 years both as a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney. Nobody likes a criminal defense attorney until it’s you or your children that are in trouble. I believe my experience with the criminal justice system will be an asset in improving Public Safety. In order to avoid any appearance of conflict, I will not accept any cases involving the Fort Lauderdale Police .
Tim – You say you are against any more hi-density development. Is the Downtown done in your opinion? Would you change zoning rules to stop more hi-density development on the beach and downtown?
Lewis – I’m against anymore hi-density or hi-rise development on the beach. Downtown is close to maximum redevelopment, but luxury residential hi-rises between Broward Blvd. and Sunrise Blvd. can strengthen our tax base downtown and not overly stress our services.
Tim – I like your approach to the campaign – a $10,000 self-imposed limit, no contributions from the development community. You do realize that means you will basically have to finance the run mostly by yourself ?
Lewis – I’m prepared to finance my own campaign myself, because I’m not going to allow anyone to even think they can influence my vote because they gave me money. Elections should not be bought and personal wealth ought not to be a prerequisite for public office. Ten thousand dollars is plenty of money to get my message to the residents of District 4.
Tim – your current competition….an openly gay lawyer, an openly religious lawyer, and you…where do you fit in there?
Lewis – I’m the country lawyer form the City of Fort Lauderdale. My only agenda is to insure a high quality of life for ourselves and for our children. I promise not to use this office to press any moralistic agenda. I believe in hard work, and honesty above all else.