C. Rodstrom Quitting Already?

     City Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom opened a campaign account, this past Friday, to run for County Commissioner.

The most amazing thing about that is …. Rodstrom opened the account for the County  position, just 2 weeks after winning re-election to her seat as District II City Commissioner!

     This request below
 was on Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom’s web site, just a few weeks back, when she was running to be elected to her third (and last, due to term limits)  3- year term on the Fort Lauderdale City Commission ……



      When Rodstrom asked to be allowed to “continue serving as your City Commissioner”, I guess she forgot to add ” but just until  I scoot off to the big leagues, the County Commission!”

The County seat that City Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom has aimed her sights on, is the seat now occupied by her husband, County Commissioner John Rodstrom. 

                                      John Rodstrom holding check
ollow me now!

     John Rodstrom is term limited on the County Commission, but his friend, attorney Bill Scherer, is suing in the Florida Supreme Court to overturn the term limit law voted in by 80% of the citizens of Broward County, which would let Rodstrom serve another ….. say, … millennium or so !
     Apparently, attorney Scherer and friend John Rodstrom suspect they are about to lose at the Supreme Court hearing, and John Rodstrom will have to leave the County Commission seat after all, so it’s time to run wife, Charlotte Rodstrom, for the County seat!

    C. Rodstrom raised $67,000 to run for the City seat. It is expected that she will raise a few hundred thousand to compete at the County level.

     Whether she wins the County seat or not, ( County primary in August, General Election in November), Rodstrom will have to resign the City seat, and the City will have to hold a “special election” for her seat, which the City will be required to pay for.

     Maybe we should ask the Rodstroms to pick up the tab! 


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