And The Next Candidate Is ….

     Mary Graham

     Mary is running for the District I Fort Lauderdale Commission seat, now held by Bruce Roberts. Roberts is also running – for re-election.

     Here is a picture of Mary Graham.


     Here are Graham’s questions and answers.

1.) Why are you running? …

     I am running in order for District One voters to have a choice of leadership for the next 3 years. I will represent their interests as follows in item 2 priorities

     Why do you feel the current Commissioner needs to be replaced?

     The voters are simply getting a choice in 3 districts and for mayor – if they disagree or are not satisfied with decisions and actions by the current commission in the last 2 years 8 months, the choice is theirs to make.

2.) What will be your agenda if elected? … what are your highest priorities?

     First and foremost, preservation of residential neighborhoods; no encroachment/incompatible zoning to the detriment of the neighborhood edges, and no retroactive zoning. Desirable and viable residential neighborhoods throughout the City are imperative for the city to rebound economically, short and long term.

     Second, retaining existing businesses, and those that generate sales tax. For instance, the majority of shoppers in the Northeast of District 1 likely shop in Pompano Beach now at either the Publix or Walmart on US 1. The city lost the revenue of the sales tax AND the monthly FPL franchise fee when Publix relocated from Bayview at US 1 to McNab at US 1. It is not coming back to the City. In my neighborhood further west, we shop at a Publix in Pompano Palm Aire, North Lauderdale or Tamarac, not in Fort Lauderdale. We can and must do more to keep the existing businesses in the City, and will help the City Commission and Manager do so. 
     Third, preservation of parks and open space. These are the People’s Assets, the City’s Assets. It is unacceptable to seize either for a new Fire Station funded by our bond money. County wide we voted for a $200 million dollar Park Bond, and in 2004 a city wide $40 million dollar Fire Station bond. Taking an acre of a park, against the wishes of a neighborhood, whether in District 1 or not, is unacceptable.
     Equally important is ongoing and vigilant oversight of all capital improvements with our tax dollars, i.e. Who is the Tax Payer’s,  Owner’s Rep on the CIP and Bond Projects?
     Lack of oversight or mismanagement with cost over runs means less tax dollars for other projects in the queue.

3.) Does District I receive enough resources compared to the amount they pay in taxes?

     I would want the opportunity to hear from the constituents of all of District One and review the property tax base contributions before answering this.

                                   thanks Mary ….  Tim 


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