I’ve been keeping you in the loop about the Fort Lauderdale Visioning work. It’s time to figure out what we’ll be when we grow up!
And here might be your first chance to weigh in! ….. Stay with me now –
The Vision effort has been in the planning stage for over a year, but the actual project has just begun, and only the preliminary stuff.
This summer, the effort starts with the City’s compilation of the Data Book, which will describe the Existing Conditions of everything in the City ( City owned things, the people, the environment etc.), so we’ll have all the facts when we go about planning what our future will entail!
Also, about one hundred citizens will soon be interviewed in the “preliminary interviews” to start to put together what the ISSUES are. These interviews will include a wide array of people from all over the City, all groups, all demographics, that are considered ” opinion makers” in their respective areas.
But there’s just one big problem ! ….The effort still doesn’t have a name!
We can only call it “the Visioning Effort” for so long. The Vision Committee, which is the City Commission appointed Advisory Board, has sent the Commission their ideas for a name, but word is that some on the Commission might be thinking we need to keep trying for a better name.
Former Mayor Rob Dressler, who’s been involved since the Visioning discussion began, has sent out an e-mail asking people to send in their ideas – a contest of sorts, and he wants the ideas by Friday. He suggests there will be a “prize” for the winner!
Mayors Seiler and Dressler
Here’s a list of some of the names that have been rejected so far, to give you an idea of what we’re talking about. Some are quite funny, some you may like, some deserve to be rejects!
……Focus Fort Lauderdale
….. Fort Lauderdale, We can see the Future
….. Dream Fort Lauderdale, Charting our Course
….. Vision Fort Lauderdale, Dream it, Do it!
….. Fort Lauderdale, Circle the Wagons
….. Imagine Fort Lauderdale, Reach our Horizon
….. Breaks Over !
…… Rethink Fort Lauderdale
…… Got Vision?
…… Fort Lauderdale, the Future is Ours!
Anyhow, you get the idea. So if you have a good name idea, you can post it here, call the Mayor’s office at 954-828-5003 and leave a message for the Mayor, or send Mayor Dressler an e-mail.
I’ll let you know how it all works out.