Introducing the “Tour it with Tim” – program!
Now I know it sounds a little odd, …. but our Sewage Treatment plant, down on the 17th Street Causeway, is a fascinating place. The City has probably spent a billion dollars on it’s scrubbers, scrapers, oxygenators, deep wells etc.
And there are a lot of other amazing things and places in Fort Lauderdale, like the Water Plants, the Bonnet House, the operating room at Broward General, the secret areas of the Police Department, that you may know about, and have even paid for through your taxes, but have never seen.
As a Commissioner, I was fortunate enough to get a behind the scenes tour of just about everything in the City – and I think you should be able to see all of them, too ! …..
So I’ve decided to ask the City Management, Bonnet House, Broward General etc., if we could take some tours of these fascinating things – together.
Wanna join me?
The first tour will be …… the Police Department. I hear they have quite a nice tour planned for us – Crime lab, jail, burglary detectives, etc. The Chief will be joining us … ready to answer your probing questions / get them ready!
To join in on this first tour, next Wed. Feb. 29th … 4 pm …. you’ll have to let me know by e-mail because space is limited. E-mail at ( or if you like, just post a comment on this blog post and say “I’m in”.
We’ll meet at the “fishbowl” at the Police Department, (I’ll give you specific instructions, parking etc., after you confirm)…
Now, if you don’t get in on this tour, ….here’s a little picture of next month’s fun!
the Sewage Treatment Plant
(Work yourself up to that one!)