This Story Might Make Your Head Explode!

     If you are one of those people that gets really really angry when a politician says one thing, and does the complete opposite, (and worse),  you may want to pass instead of reading this story!


     It happened this morning at the Broward County Commission. And this story get fouler as the story unfolds, so make sure you read until the end!

     Today the community around 13th Street in Fort Lauderdale went to the County Commission to try and secure some unused redevelopment funds, set aside only to be used in rough areas like 13th Street.

     The funds (about 1 million) would be used to redo the streetscape in the 13th Street Business District into a more business friendly configuration. Ironically, it was the County that enlarged the streets to five lanes, including the suicide lane, in the 1970’s. That, coupled with a bad economy, drove most of the businesses away.

                                            hopefully, a new look for 13th!

Well, we thought we might have the votes today for the improvement. We had been talking to each Commissioner, and suspected there were four votes in favor, 2 opposed, 2 iffy. We were counting on an “iffy” to cross over to yes, and we’d be there! ( All the Commissioners kept to their words- except……

     Enter the County Commissioner  for the 13th Street area, Dale Holeness.
                                                          not so Holeness!

     You’d think – of course Holeness would be a certain yes vote, he’s the Commissioner for the area for god’s sake, and just to prove that he was on board, he sent this e-mail to dozens of his constituents in the 13th street community that had contacted him on the matter.


Good Morning!

     On behalf of Commissioner Holness, thank you for your recent e-mail in regard to the upcoming Fort Lauderdale CRA District MRSMRSB. Although most of the proposed business corridor runs outside District 9, the Commissioner wholeheartedly supports having a viable business district along NE 13th Street. You can count on his support.

Thanks for staying engaged.


John G. Beckford

Well guess what? 
      It was a lie!
     Holeness started the discussion by saying he would oppose the effort! No County Money for 13th Street! Turns out, the newly redrawn Commission District Holeness is running in – no longer includes 13th, – so he just threw that community under the proverbial bus!

     But wait, it gets worse!

     I got home, miffed, and sent off an e-mail off to Holeness. I told him that the “measure of a man was in the reliability of his word”. I told we were disappointed in him, and that I hoped he slept well at night!

    Amazingly, just five minutes later, I received this reply from his office  …..   

     …. you ready ????  ….

      Good Morning!

On behalf of Commissioner Holness, thank you for your recent e-mail in regard to the upcoming Fort Lauderdale CRA District MRSMRSB. Although most of the proposed business corridor runs outside District 9, the Commissioner wholeheartedly supports having a viable business district along NE 13th Street. You can count on his support.

Thanks for staying engaged.


John G. Beckford

                            ….. Head explode Yet?




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