…. this morning’s homeless

       The City/City Commission has done a good job controlling our homeless issues, but when the temperature falls into single digits up north –


      This morning, there were homeless advocates, with about 4 vans full of food and warm clothes, attending to what looked like over 100 homeless.

                                    Here are the stories of three of them


      On the far left is Thomas, 57, from upstate New York. He said he can’t stay in shelters (HAC) because of his alcohol problems.

      Thomas seems very weak, trembly, says he has been on the streets of Fort Lauderdale for about 3 years. He survives on $780 a month in disability payments.

     Next to him is Elizabeth. She is 59 and came to America as a teen from Glasgow Scotland. She says like most women on the street, she has been sexually molested. She says she has reported it to the Police, but “the guy is still on the streets”. Says she also can’t stay in shelters due to a serious drinking problem.


     Then there is Joseph Anthony Jones.

     Quite a character – Jones, 44, says he is a hobo, “been in 52 states”. Says he gets a Navy pension of $700 a month.  He says he drinks a lot, and to prove it pulled a beer out of his blanket and put it on his head, his “breakfast”. Told me to take a picture.

     I asked him what the solution was for people like him and his friends, to get them off the streets…

      He just started quoting the Steve Miller Band – “people living on the streets, there’s a solution, you’ve got to fly like an eagle …”

      I left as confused with the issue as ever  ………


272 Replies to “…. this morning’s homeless”

  1. Have one reception center downtown where the homeless are evaluated and then sent to a drug treatment facility, a mental health facility or to a facility where they can quickly replace their lost I.D.s and Social Security Cards. Those who refuse this assistance are arrested for vagrancy and go right to jail. Open container laws would be strictly enforced. We might also investigate a closed Florida military base to house and administer to those with their alcoholism. We should sue the alcohol companies to foot the bills for their recoveries.

  2. Probably the police chiefs fault or that horrible police union. They created homelessness to drive out the hard working heirs and trust fund babies from Victoria Park.

  3. I gave a homeless guy five(5) bucks on Christmas Day. I was staying on the beach for the night and went for a walk @ sunrise and he asked me for money. I felt bad. I then stated to myself see Robert as hard as this past year was for you(and many others) there are people who had far worse of a year than you did. Put down the bottle, stop doing drugs and take advantage of all the programs we have here in Broward. Tim, in LA where homelessness is a major problem, over 48 thou homeless Downtown(my friend told me this-he works @ the Abbey as a server and makes over 12oo bucks a week-whats the proplem). They sleep in card board boxes. The city has no where near the programs etc than we have here in Ft.Lau. If you are homeless there is places you can go to get help. When you get sick of being sick and tired then they will do something about it. I know a lot of you oppose ,but putting them in jail is a good deterent….

  4. My Sunsentinel bff Mickey Dumberly has a cool idea that can fix this. Build more of the those fancy “Welcome to Fort Lauderdale” signs in the medians. These will attract affluent people. The affluent people will gentrify the neighborhoods that are now filled with new government subsidized low income housing. The poor people will leave and be replaced by more Dumberlys. There you have it – a perfect plan where everyone who is rich will come out a winner. I hope he runs for Mayor – Mickey Dumberly is my hero and he has a really cute butt – yummmmieeee

  5. thanks as always Tim with bringing this important topic to our attention…I like Frank’s idea….in a different society his idea would be welcome and would be work…here…it’s like worse than pulling teeth….again..everything goes back to family breakdown…thanks…

  6. My Sunsentinel bff Mickey Dumberly has a cool idea that can fix this. Build more of the those fancy “Welcome to Fort Lauderdale” signs in the medians. These will attract affluent people. The affluent people will gentrify the neighborhoods that are now filled with new government subsidized low income housing. The poor people will leave and be replaced by more Dumberlys. There you have it – a perfect plan where everyone who is rich will come out a winner. I hope he runs for Mayor – Mickey Dumberly is my hero and he has a really cute butt – yummmmieeee

  7. Sounds like the perfect plan other than the fact that these folks are people that make their own decisions and can be rounded up like cattle AND that pesky US constitution that would make most of your plan illegal.

  8. We do not need to accept wandering bands of drunks and drug addicts on our streets – this is not homelessness out of poverty, it is homelessnes out of addiction – addicts are dangerous. Get them out of Fort Lauderdale.

  9. There are solutions to this issue.
    But using the public library as a feeding stop and homeless facility is not it. The commission can stop this.
    The trucks are parked on the north side of the library. What about the poor families that need the library as a safe sanctuary for there children’s educational resource? How about grandma wanting to use a computer she is on a budget?

  10. The solution is simple, have Chief Franklin Adderley authorize another Scott Rothstein like detail, the detail officers steal the pension & disability check money from the homeless after the checks have been cashed. After all the officers were paid with stolen money in the Rothstein Detail never having to return the “STOLEN MONEY” to the courts.

    The Detail officers could herd the homeless vagabonds to NE 37 Drive there is plenty of empty space available there.

  11. America, you know the law and constitution. Do you have any LEGAL suggestions on how to solve the problem? Offering a solution or two would be a kind gesture on your part. You are always bashing, belittling or berating others’ ideas; where is yours? Come on, step up, be a hero!

  12. Unfortunately I do not. All men (and women) are created equal and are free. As long as they are not committing any crime (homelessness is NOT a crime) there is nothing you can do besides OFFER them available services. You can not force them to do anything like put them in a facility against their will. Jailing them for trespassing, panhandling, etc. is at great expense to the city (officer’s salary, jail usage the county bills the city for, the indigent persons’ lawyer the city must pay, etc.)and they are out in less then an hour where they walk right back into the community. No Smart Alec, I do not have a legal solution. Every major city has a homeless issue to deal with, worse in the cities with mild weather. I do have a legal solution for you if it bothers you so much..move.

  13. Unfortunately I do not. All men (and women) are created equal and are free. As long as they are not committing any crime (homelessness is NOT a crime) there is nothing you can do besides OFFER them available services. You can not force them to do anything like put them in a facility against their will. Jailing them for trespassing, panhandling, etc. is at great expense to the city (officer’s salary, jail usage the county bills the city for, the indigent persons’ lawyer the city must pay, etc.)and they are out in less then an hour where they walk right back into the community. No Smart Alec, I do not have a legal solution. Every major city has a homeless issue to deal with, worse in the cities with mild weather. I do have a legal solution for you if it bothers you so much..move.

  14. Establish curfews on public spaces, laws to keep them off the roads begging, requirements to not sit on sidewalks (remember how picket lines have to keep moving), keep them off public property – enforce those laws. Homeless families are sad, the mentally ill should be off the streets.

  15. Cant have curfews based on someone’s residency status so the curfews would apply to everyone. There is already a law against begging in traffic (that will lock them up for an hour). Arrest everyone who stops on the sidewalk (that damn constitution again)? And the best one of all “keep them off public property”? Its for the public. They are included in the “public.” Just like you. You can’t enforce those laws because those laws don’t exist. they’re unconstitutional. Any other wanna be cops willing to violate anyone’s civil rights based on their economic status, or better yet they’re mental illness or addiction (ADA)?

  16. vuitton 財布

    ジェームズ ・ ルイヴィトンのハンドバッグ オンライン ゲーム、ファブリック、布、生地の穀物。タミー ・ パキンは皆に家のお母さんコンサルタント 3 から実際に行うビジネス。スミス壮大な家族の立場、founderslouis ・ ヴィトン モノグラムあなた環境有益な水玉アイコン (GPDB)、導入を得ることが彼らしばしば正式に免除彼ら徹底的にクリーンで環境に優しい食品ゲームプレイお金会員独自慈善事業エンタープライズのイベント 2012年のガジェット賞求職を今日尊重アーティスト、カリフォルニア州に役立つ。ティファニー弁護士ジェレミー スワイヤーは彼女のブランドは魅力または彼女も理解しました。ファッション専門家の統計情報が、女性は 6 組のデザイナーの靴をいる必要がありますたびに。ルワンダ。散布図脳し、適切な質問を仕上げて次に最初のものからお世辞を選択できます。

  17. miumiu 長財布 st.cocco 5m1109

    彼らは deomonstrate の人々 少し、まだスタイルを強化しました。彼らは光っている任意の方法 rrn を運ぶことはありません。2006 年の結果としてよまたより多くの海軍を手のアメリカのラベルを使用してミラー レース。バレンシア 3 さらルイ ・ ヴィトンの行為 5 月からまっすぐに秋に継続を持っています。

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