Sistrunk Boulevard has had a good year.
First, they got respect… A brief controversy ended when the Sistrunk street name was extended all the way down to US 1, ( even though Charlie King opposed it !)
Then, Sistrunk got a whole new, multi million dollar makeover on the street itself ….
And today they got their cherry on the top of the sunday – a spankin’ new
Police Substation !
Many of the city bigshots were there to cut the ribbon ( though Trantalis and Rogers weren’t there).
Interestingly, both the Chief (Adderley) and the assistant Police Chief (Anthony Williams), grew up in the area, and Adderley lives just off Sistrunk today.
Williams on left, Sistrunk District Commander London on right
Now – let’s get that BB King’s House of Blues – Fort Lauderdale built there!
The opening of the Sistrunk Blvd. Police Substation was a nice event. Hopefully, the community will strengthen their partnership with the police and report what they see. All citizens have to be the extra eyes and ears for the police. Those who live in the neighborhood are the first to know what is suspicious. By working together in every neighborhood, we can in partnership with our police, reduce crime. The police can’t do it without our help and support.
The extension of Sistrunk was too long in the reaalization; let’s work toward extending the economic and social roads, as well.
I think we need to bring in some good economy that will bring you over our side of the tracks on a saturday night.
The “Police State” in Ft Lauderdale has officially begun!
I am hoping for the day that there are no “our” side and “your” side of the tracks. We are getting there and I am grateful to Com. Trantalis for seeing the light.
Mayor Seiler you wear that shirt one more time I am going to scream. I’ll bet you got more clothes then you know what to do w/..Jus teasing. Seriously Tim Sistrunk is beautiful. Now if you could get your constituents jobs Comm.Dubose they would be all set.
I’m glad to see the City is investing in our NW community. I once attended a meeting with then Com.Moore and Hebert, two people that disliked our officers then and now, and only thing they were concern about was complaints from NAACP. No support of the officers putting their lives on the line to make the City safe.Like Obama said, change and we got it. Thank GOD!!
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