A few posts back, we were talking about the upcoming Fort Lauderdale Mayor and Commissioner elections coming up just around the corner in February 2012…
We were waiting for word from the rest of the Commissioners and some challengers on whether they were running again, and that info is in….. so …
Here Goes !
We reported that Mayor Jack ( John P. “Jack” Seiler), was running for re-election, and that Commissioners Roberts, and Rodstrom were also running for re-election ( when they all weren’t snoozing LOL )…….
….. and now we can report that …
Bobby Dubose
has also decided to run for re-election. He has opened a campaign account, and he says………
” I’m running but haven’t set any official fundraisers yet …. not sure who the challengers will be…. I will leave it to the voters to decide” ….
…. last time around, there was an open seat In Dist. III when Carlton Moore was term limited out, and 4 challengers vied for the seat that Dubose won…
the closest competitor was long time city activist and consultant Pamela Adams
When I asked Pam if she’d be running this time, she said NEVER ! ..I said NEVER? ….she said NEVER EVER! ( I think she meant it)
There was also Nadine Hankerson ( I don’t think she’ll run, but I couldn’t find her to find out), and then there was Jimmy –
Jimmy B. “O Glory” Witherspoon – local youth pastor
No word from O’Glory either…
And in District IV
Commissioner Romney Rogers is also running for re-election. Rogers said ” it has been a privilege and honor to represent the district I grew up in and the City I love. If the voters will have me, I would be honored to serve again”.
In the picture above Rogers stands above Coleman Prewitt, his closest competitor in the last election. I didn’t hear back from Coleman, but a close associate of his told me that he doesn’t think Prewitt has “ruled out another run”.
A big issue in the 2009 District IV race was Roger’s strong religious faith, and whether he would color his legislating with his Baptist faith. He hasn’t.
I ran this graphic masterpiece from District IV activist Cal Deal then and it nearly crashed my blog site. Over 5000 people looked at that post in a matter of days.
Also rans in district IV include Jim Lewis, infamous local lawyer that might run as he runs for office about every 4 years regardless, and George Trodella, who probably won’t.
I’ve heard a smattering of other rumors, but nothing to report at this point.