My friend Peter Feldman is dead at the young age of 54 years old – far too young to die, especially for someone like Pete.
I’m sad, but for some odd reason, pleasantly reflective.
I’ve been thinking about PT Boy all day (that’s what my wife Cindy and I , and our son Timmy affectionately called him) .
He had been a good friend of our family for 20 and some years. I had met him through our mutual interest in a rough part of Fort Lauderdale called Flagler Heights. Flagler Heights is a neighborhood just north of Downtown, but far enough north, and far enough west, to not to really matter, or so everyone thought!
But it mattered to Peter Feldman.. .. and that turned out to be enough!
Peter put his head down and forged ahead. He bought house after house, slum after slum. The years passed, the decades passed,. It looked like it may be a false dream… the kind you just wake up from….
But miraculously, Peter prevailed. Just this past year, in the middle of the worst economic tsunami in decades, Peter’s dream happened.
….Flagler Village, all eight stories and block after block of redevelopment splendor came alive. In the worst economic downturn in nearly a century, only Peter Feldman was building. His developer buddies were finally envious of Petey. He deserved that moment.
….. I’ll remember you fondly Peter, and Cindy and Timmy say hi, … you were a bright spot in our lives, and we hope to see you on the other side…… Tim