…….. There is only a few months left before the Fort Lauderdale City Elections for the Mayor and all the City Commissioners, but you’d never know it. There has been little campaigning, and only one real race.
…….. That one “real race”, might be the race for the most needy District in the City – District III. That race looks to be between the front running incumbent and his one challenger – ……read on …..
This is the District III incumbent, Commissioner Robert Mckinzie, who has only been in the office for about a month ( he was just appointed to fill the seat of Commissioner Bobby Dubose,, who was elected to the State House in November).
Here are the two signs for them both, at the intersection of Sistrunk Boulevard and the Avenue of the Arts (NW 7th Ave.)
…..A closer look might show that there may truly be a race going on –
This is the challenger, Donna Guthrie. She is the neighborhood President of Melrose Park.
…… And as you can see, somebody doesn’t like Guthrie’s campaign. Guthrie has a big black graffiti mark under her eye, and under the “Fort Lauderdale City Commission, District 3 ” line, someone spray painted over Guthrie’s tag line – “Unbought and Unbossed” . That is a not so thinly disguised comment that she believes Mckinzie is the insiders choice.
Guthrie says that’s a fair comment, that Mckinzie should have never been appointed to the seat, as he was a candidate for the seat and that gave him an unfair advantage
…. . But Guthrie says that is not stopping her campaign. She points to some mighty hefty endorsements to date – – Congressman Alcee Hastings, Art Kennedy, State Rep Gwen Clarke-Reed, Roosevelt Waters, and Property Appraiser Lori Parish. This is a race to watch!
Of course, if you are really a glutton for punishment, you can always stay attuned to the Mayor’s race, and his perennial challenger
– Earl Rynerson
More later 🙂
There isn’t enough spray paint in the world to cover up the stain of the McKinzie campaign. It starts with a basic half truth: we are expected to believe that his “residency” is in Fort Lauderdale. It’s kind of hard to wrap your arms around the idea that this guy and his wife and four children have left a 5 bedroom 3 bath waterfront home in Plantation to live in a 2 bedroom 1 bath home off Sistrunk. McKinzie himself states that he has moved several times to pursue elected office – by definition, he is a carpetbagger. Hell, he’s still VP of his homeowner’s association in Plantation. He only came to run, and serve himself. DuBose sold out to the Downtowners – a pile of campaign cash was traded to Flagler Village for a $10 million streetcar and a seat on the DDA for Jim Ellis. McKinzie is the new tool – he is already owned and operated by the key influentials. The deal is done and to hell with the folks in the District – there is money to be made…… A certain white downtown development attorney appears to have been sent to “protect the investment”, he followed Bobby everywhere during his campaign and now he follows Robert around tool. The “investors” are probably terrified that he will do/say something stupid, like his world-reknowned sister Miriam Oliphant.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to you, Tim, to your family, and to all your followers.
Thanks, also, for your service, your leadership, and your love of Fort Lauderdale.
2015 should be another awesome year in our City!
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to you, Tim, to your family, and to all your followers.
Thanks, also, for your service, your leadership, and your love of Fort Lauderdale.
2015 should be another awesome year in our City!
This is to announce my candidacy for District 3. I’m just as much a resident as McKinzie, so why not take a run at it? When I am elected, I will make sure all the government subsidized low income housing stays in District 3 and all the CRA money will go to District 2 where my campaign contributors and I own lots of investment property. I’ll do lots of cool moves to alienate the copes and fireman, and oh yeah, and I’ll browbeat John P. “Jack” Seiler every step of the way. Vote for me – Dr. Charles Luther King – I’m in your face.
Who ever is in, is out! Donna lives in the other half of district 3 that has been under represented since we were removed from district 2 for political reasons! The same reason I’m voting for Mrs. Donna Gurthie! She’s the only one running who truly lives in the district, uses the same local library and stores, that I do! It’s time for a change! None of the CRA’s came to our area, like all of them have for sis trunk and the beach! Go figure the beach area is a poor plighted area! We need representatives who want to better all areas, not just use the commission seat as a stepping stone to the state house!
A lot has happened this week. For instance Earl (bo-Bo Justice-he’s baaack) Rynerson running against Mayor Seiler. You also have David Tabb-??-(who are you- get w/ the Police FOP 31 -he can help you) running against Dean Trantalis(you are lucky (again) that its not me). will see. As far as Earl Rynerson trust me there will be no debates.I mean why should Mayor Seiler debate him. Bo Bo constantly bashes the Police, to City Hall employees etc. He doesn’t like this pay or this employee pension(but yours is ok huh Big Earl??)go direct your concerns to City man. Lee Feldman( i want in Lee w/ this stock money Mr.Casillo the money guy down in Miami(gables) will guide me-market hit 18 thou terrific Lee it goes bellie up pull out faster than one of my father’s trampy gal pals(huh Bern-miss u). Back to Earl rynerson so the thirid time(3) is the charm huh. Going to spend another 80G (of his own money). Go right ahead. Just one reminder Bo Bo-play dirty and I will show them how to play dirtier…..Back to Mr.Tabb remember the ex voting from Dean’s home(it was dihonest and you know it-and the piss poor alibi to Larry B(paper) that Mr.smith was sleeping in the guest room(sure w/ an ass like that he was camping in the guest room-(again was was the mother). Congrats to Romney rogers and Bruce Roberts -we will see you both in 2018. Let the best man or woman(Char) win(Mayor). To the ‘grand wizard” we don’t need you and your” bs” law suit suing us and you to Bruce Rogow.(catherine Maus you got some explaining to do(more later). Lets roll……