I was very frustrated at the last meeting with the issues that arose involving board and committee service. As a City Commission, we need to be fair, transparent, and consistent in our handling of board and committee appointments, service, terms, term limits, etc.
In conjunction with our City Attorney, please be sure that our rules, resolutions, ordinances, codes, charter, etc. are all consistent and coordinated. If we have any unwritten practices, policies or procedures that we have traditionally followed that are not consistent with the specific language of our rules, resolutions, ordinances, codes, charter, etc., please let us know. If we need to “clean up”, update, or rewrite any rules, resolutions, ordinances, codes, charter, etc., please let us know. If we need to convene the Charter Review Board to address these issues, please let us know.
The bottom line is that, regardless of the individuals involved, we need to have a process and procedure that is fair, transparent and consistent.
John P. “Jack” Seiler
he and his cronies are the author of their own misfortune
power grabbing at every turn
follow the city charter
respect the rule of law
even attorneys are not above the law
and forget charter revisions if you want to be in office till 2018
hog wash, bs……and wow! whatever.
“please be sure that our rules, resolutions, ordinances, codes, charter, etc. are all consistent and coordinated”
this coming from the man himself who turned around a 1987 resolution made by bob cox to never remove, harm or damage an almost 100 year old rain tree on the south side of the new river so developer asi cymbal could build three rental condo towers to house the millennials……….
This is just such disingenuous political c-y-a. Its clear that Seiler and his cronies got caught with their pants down by bullying through term-expired people to patronage positions. Now, that its come to light that they’re all caught with the tide out and no pants on, the blame game will begin. This City Attorney and Clerk will take the fall for this, but we all know where the stench leads. Straight to the officers of “JACK” Seiler. Cant wait to vote against him. I’m going to savor casting that one.
I gave proof to the commission that developer, Asi Cymbal, had paid for his proponents on the Marina Lofts project and they still gave Cymbal the entitlements to build. I believe that decision was made against the will of the people. When a politician goes against popular opinion, there is usually personal gain.
Did those letters go out yet to the 25 who need to step down (haha)? Is someone doing that? Is someone checking all of the P&Z votes that should be nullified because of illegal votes of board members who were term limited out but remained?
It appears that Jack in his letter is being pro- active and agrees that he will a clean up this topic of mixed interpretations regarding term limits etc. Let’s move on and support his words and monitor the results.
Dean’s actions ( and I believe intentional actions)have cost us all a lot of dear real monies over a tantrum that he might have approached in a more enlightened and meaningful manor
How many critical area developments were handled by people and boards that were staying for expired terms. The Asi CYmbal towers, the Aquatics center, the All Aboard Florida lack of pushback.
It all smells to high heaven. God bless Trantallis for opening Pandora’s Box. Let sunshine be the best disinfectant and throw the lot out.
The Marine Advisory Board Chair’s term expired in 2012 – and the Mayor said:
“Barry Flanigan’s a pretty outstanding member of that committee,” Seiler said of his appointment to the marine board. “I’m not going to replace him with somebody who doesn’t have any expertise or experience in that area.”
Doesn’t that sound just like our “fair, transparent, and consistent” Mayor John P. “Jack” Seiler?
i’d have to say that Jack is being post-active………….
Sound like everyone is out for blood… that never solves a thing.. Too bad you won’t put your swords down and appreciate that sunshine is aplenty down here.Tantrallis ignited only storms and expenses. This battle could have been brought to light by in more a dignified way if Dean really cared about collateral damages.
Fair reply. Yes post-active . A wise man
can step back admit his errors and make them brilliant strokes of luck.
For a man who really has nothing to worry about in local politics, the mayor demonstrates time and time again that he is very thin-skinned. He does not take criticism well and often resorts to being a bully from the dais. Strange behavior.
I’d like to take us back a few posts to the beginning of this uproar, when the discussion was about the P&Z seat that may or may not be vacant. I will be discussing this from the point of view of the Central Beach Alliance, since that is the only point of view that I know about.
We (The CBA) feel that Steve Glassman is an excellent candidate for a seat on P&Z.
We have no problem with Bradford Cohen. When dealing with him, he has appeared to be thoughtful, professional, and he makes his decisions based on the facts specific for each project. That is what you ask for in any board member.
We have a severe problem with the other left over appointee, Michael Ferber. He has consistently treated the public as a nuisance that is hardly worth his time. My understanding is that he doesn’t believe in planning or zoning. I’ve heard he believes that development should always be done with few or no regulations/restrictions. He was also asked to step down (last year) and refused.
It’s not unreasonable to expect that any board member could be asked to step down when the person who appointed them is no longer around (as in Ferber’s case). It is also not unreasonable to expect that the board member would graciously resign when asked. Michael Ferber did not do this. We are asking him to resign now.
Steve Glassman, whom Commissioner Trantalis wanted, may then be appointed. Bradford Cohen can stay on either through the end of his term or through reappointment (depending upon Commissioner Trantalis’s decision). Remember, he was not asked to step down. It was the city’s belief that his term had ended and his belief that it hadn’t.
Which brings me to another point. Why is this such a big deal? If there is a question concerning a ruling such as ‘board eligibility’, it is an administrative function. I’m disappointed that the commission took any time at all discussing it. The appointment should have been tabled until the subsequent meeting, the city attorney or staff would have looked at the new information, and a decision would have been announced at that next meeting. We did not elect commissioners to determine if administrative procedures are being followed correctly. They should be working on much bigger things.
Nobody ends up looking good in this fiasco. Fortunately, city staff should be able to sort it out in short order, and we can concentrate on more pressing issues that actually directly affect the lives of the people that live in Ft. Lauderdale.
John Weaver
CBA President
What happened at the Commission meetings yesterday regarding appointments? Are the 25+ whose terms have expired allowed to stay in their seats?
How many cronies are on this board??? Its a good act for the police misconduct that runs rampant in Fort Laud.
DuBose kept trying to talk about the entire issue even saying he had difficulty with the new appointments until there was some discussion. The mayor kept changing the subject. At the end of the day, same old same old. The Clerk’s emailed instructions about 25 people having to step down will be ignored until further discussion. No one is getting any notice to resign. The attorney and mayor looked uncomfortable throughout the entire time.
This is neither news or a surprise. I think the prior dist 2 comm put him on because he is less than credible
glassman, the prior appointee by the comm resigned to run against her so that may explain putting elss than stelar candidates in the plum appointment to p and z
if you think ferber is lacking, how about the two ladies that do not live or own in the city and probably don’t understand blueprints either
they have been there since 2009
almost always a Yes vote
so nothing against steve glassman
the dist comm is at liberty to appoint and remove whoever he wants unless its consensus then the 5 have to agree
sad times in fort lauderdale after watching these power mongers on tuesday
There are many folks in FLL that can read prints and understand the responsibility of participating on a P&Z board. Let’s have a 4-6 month moratorium of any change giving time for new talent to be interviewed by a selection committee and offered a chance to serve.
All this from a Hypocrite that lives in Victory Park and is the president of the Central Beach, due to a crony board of his own.
The funniest part of Tuesday evening was that all of the Commission got physically sick. Maybe the County put something in their food at their joint pm meeting or maybe the Commissioners just wanted to feel the same way we feel when we watch their antics twice a month.
All of this nonsense obviously got to Genia Ellis who withdrew her name as Romney Rogers appointment on P&Z. Begs the question – does Tom Welsh remain on P&Z now even though the attorney at P&Z last month told the Board he was term-limited out and would not be returning? They all said good bye.
How do you see our thin-skinned bully of a Mayor as being “a wise man” in this? That comment could only have been written by someone on the Mayor’s rather large PR team. “Wise?” for setting this up as a public lynching?
welch has been there since june 2007 or so
he works at northern trust bank and must have special skills that no one else has because he can’t be replaced
the only thing wise from him is the ocassional wisecrack
definitely no wisdom
I am in NO WAY affiliated with the mayor’s network of task masters. Taken in its entirety my words don’t say he is a wise man but he does know how to spin straw into gold… and until you all stop nitpicking on the small picture your big picture can never be realized.
I think that this whole debackle should be put on the Confernce agenda so the comm. can iron out this whole mess. i agree w/ comm.Roberts scrap the term limits and also you don’t need majority consent to put a nominee on ant board. This should be addressed bfore summer recess. Also the city att. review is going to be discussed @ the next Tuesday. those that have been coming to me I need more to run w/ your concerns. Cynthia Everett be careful “all eyes are on you”. Be careful w/ Trantalis. Also word as it you have meet w/ the State att. Off, in regards to Comm.trantalis’ real estate dealings w/ his ex-lover richard g.smith. If this has merit disclose it. Bottom line (some of you) I need more.. There is this song on the radio ‘i’m your match, i’m your light, I’m your burning sun. I/m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere(get it)……
Fort Lauderdale happens to be located in FL, USA, a democracy last time I checked.
The city has a City Charter, just like the ULDR and you don’t let one wannabe king for a day elected start playing around with ‘Home Rule” by Charter.
Just like they can’t arbitrarily and capriciously make it up as they go along and indiscriminately enforce rules, but they sure do.
If he leads the charge on this and is not stopped by the manager or attorney, Fort Lauderdale will be sued