I’d like to outlaw campaign signs!
They bring out the worst in some campaigns, and their supporters, and often lay around junking up the scenery for months after every election!
Here’s the latest foul play …….
Kevin Buckley is one of our premier shopping center developers.
cool kat Kevin!
He is a mellow guy, been around a long time, but today he’s mad as a hornet.
This is his unwanted campaign sign story –
…..” So Tim, I drove past one of my shopping centers, Barnes and Nobles, and out front was this big…..
Rynerson for Mayor sign
…… Now, I didn’t give this Rynerson character permission to put this sign up, he never called or wrote to ask!…. and to make matters worse, I had gotten 3 Robo campaign phone calls from his campaign over the last three nights – at dinner time!
….. Anyhow, I decided to call his campaign and ask him to come and take the sign down, give him a chance to do the right thing… but after 3 calls and no return calls, my blood began to boil….
…… I grabbed my wife and we went right over and took the sign down ourselves !….. and now, I’m filing a complaint with the State Elections Board….
…… And …… just to make sure this Rynerson feels the pain, I added this”