Popeye has moved.
But it’s not like he has to fill out a change of address form for the Post Office.
He has been booted out of his old home – the outdoor elevator at the Home Depot. He says the new boss at H.D. “is a ball buster”.
He says his life has gotten tougher. He says he spends most nights out on the corner of Sunrise Blvd. and NE 4th Avenue with a tarp over him and his wheelchair….
I worry for Popeye. But he’s the “Man that won’t come in from the cold”!
He has tried the shelters, says they are dangerous. His life fell apart years ago, and there doesn’t seem to be any forward progress.
I always expect the next thing I hear about him
won’t be good.
Popeye only has one good foot, the right one. Last time I wrote about him, some good samaritan brought him a pair of shoes. He says that right shoe now has a big hole in it. He says he wears ten and a half, but if you bring him a left shoe only, make it an eleven ..
As I drove away he yelled ” and I need a shirt!”