There’s something a little different about this 21 year-old.
We’re talking about well known, local aspiring rap artist Chris Wilder, a.k.a. – Sneetch.
The Fort Lauderdale native, and Fort Lauderdale High School alumni, has done something that might give you a chuckle. At least it gave me one. Let’s play kind of a ” Where’s Waldo” game in his picture below and see if you can tell what I’m talking about!
Here’s Chris !!!
Yup ! ……. Chris is such a fan of his hometown, that he has a tattoo with the logo of Fort Lauderdale right there on his bicep ( his guns, he calls them).
The State of Florida is also represented, but he says he mostly loves the City, says there’s nowhere like Fort Lauderdale. He says he hopes the City keeps going forward, but gets back to it’s “splendor of the 1980’s” ( I’m confused too!).
Chris told me that all rap is not ” drug dealin and gang bangin”, and invites you to hear his stuff at
He says you might even like it!