City Hall Tour

     The first of the Tims’ Tours for the 2013 season took place this week.


     Now some of you thought this first tour of the season ( City Hall) might be boring (even I did !), but it turned out quite interesting!

     The tour was conducted by no other than our City Manager Lee Feldman, who was expecting a small group of about a dozen, but seemed unshaken when twice that amount showed!

                                    …  hey everyone!


     The tour went through all the floors, into the back hallways, through the maze that is Fort Lauderdale City Hall. The attendees were many of the movers and shakers of the City who wanted to know what was in those back rooms!


     Nothing was left untouched  – here is the brain center, the main frames, with some crazy amount of capacity – in  tera bytes ( a thousand billion bytes!)


     Even the stairwells were explored ( we couldn’t all fit in the elavators!)

Feldman explains the health program – take the stairs!

     The Mail room is still there, though Feldman says the bulk of the incoming is junk mail, with an occasional hand written letter thrown in.

                                 sorters….. stackers ….. etc. 

     The tourees wanted to know how Feldman kept the 2000+ workforce in line, and Feldman let out the secret  …..

                                                      the persuader !

So all in all, everyone really enjoyed the tour, but decided that it was time for a new City Manager, (they only last so long), so when we reached Feldman’s office, a new manager was sat ……


                     ….. don’t miss the next tour – coming soon!

( thanks to Art and Abby for the photos!)

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